Visions of Flesh and Blood: A Blood and Ash/Flesh and Fire Compendium

Dearest Diary,

I have just arrived back home after some time away, indulging my wandering spirit and restless soul. As you know, I often take off for parts yet unknown in my quest for life. This time was no exception, and I have

certainly returned with memories I will carry with me and an encounter I cannot wait to capture within these pages.

As I have done in the past, I rode off with merely a direction in mind, letting the Fates guide my travels and experiences. When I eventually reached the forest outside Oak Ambler, I looked for a place to rest, having been traveling for several days by that time. Lucky for me, I came upon a more than adequate hunting cabin. Even luckier for me, the door was not barred.

Seeing as I didn’t know the state of the flue in the fireplace, I decided to

forgo setting a blaze in the hearth and instead contented myself with getting heat from the many candles I found situated around the space.

By the flickering light of burning wicks, I settled in with my meager meal of salted and dried meat, some cheese, berries, and bread, jotting notes in you so I may remember all the encounters and experiences I’d relished thus far on my sojourn.

My eyes growing heavy, I rested my head on my folded arms and dozed, dreaming of the dashing, brawny, and ridiculously handsome friends I dallied with two nights back—they were so much fun. But I’ve already told you about them in a previous entry. Let me get back to my night in the cabin.

I knew I hadn’t been resting long, but sounds outside the door suddenly stirred me awake. I didn’t know if it was an animal—it was hunting season, and I was sure the wildlife were being driven from their homes in fear for

sport—or if it was something or someone else—I was, after all, squatting in someone’s residence, even if it appeared to be a temporary abode.

Pulling the dagger from my boot, I remained seated, hiding the blade in the folds of my cloak and waiting to see what might happen. You may

wonder if I was frightened, but given how long I have lived, I find that not much scares me. Concerns me? Absolutely. And so I was, concerned how

things might play out.

When I heard and saw the knob on the door turn, I knew my supposition of it being an animal was incorrect. I was definitely about to be confronted by someone on two legs. I only hoped they were benevolent.

As the wooden slab swung in, the light of the full moon outside haloed and silhouetted a tall and broad form. From what I could see in the shadows, they were otherwise occupied with retrieving something from a bag slung across their chest and hadn’t yet realized they weren’t alone. I remained silent and still, simply observing as the figure took two steps

through the doorway, the light of the candles finally reaching the fine features of his handsome face.

The candlelight must have registered then, for he looked up, an expression of shock and alert rising. He dropped the bundle he had

retrieved from his pack and immediately drew his sword from its scabbard. When he did, the pommel and blade glinted in the fire’s light, and I saw the design, the craftsmanship that had been captured in countless artistic

renderings and on the pages of books spread across the kingdom. I was sitting in front of none other than Elian Da’Neer, current King of Atlantia.

Even in the low light of the room, his black hair glinted blue, and

despite the look on his gorgeous face—now shifting a bit to anger—his straight nose, high cheekbones, and proud jaw that appeared carved from granite lit something within me.

He still had yet to speak, so I gently and quietly laid my blade on the table and stood slowly, raising my hands in front of me, palms out in a placating gesture.

I bowed my head and addressed him, calling him Your Majesty. That seemed to disarm him a bit, and I saw his rigid stance in his long, lean, and toned body relax a fraction. I went on to say that I meant no harm or

disrespect and that I was merely a weary traveler looking for a place to rest for the night. I added that I had every intention of compensating whoever

owned the cabin for my time spent. I pointed to the bag of coins I’d left on the mantel.

The King sheathed his sword and took a few more steps into the room, shutting the door behind him and closing out the chill from the autumn night beyond. While that should have put me at ease, the room seemed

somehow smaller with the two of us now closed within it. He had a strange pull about him that drew you in and held you captive, though most

enjoyably. I swallowed hard and met his golden-amber gaze.

He asked me my name, and I replied, putting as much respect into my tone as I could muster. Surprisingly, what I saw cross his features next wasn’t what I expected. It wasn’t confusion or uncertainty, it was recognition. He asked if I was the Seer, one of the newly created Council Elders, and I confirmed. That seemed to disarm him entirely for some reason. He picked up what he’d dropped earlier, set his pack aside and pulled out the chair opposite me, settling into it with a weary sigh and gesturing for me to sit across from him in the spot I’d vacated earlier.

He joked and asked if I planned to use the blade on the table, gracing me with a devastating smile that had my insides quivering as he flashed a

set of dimples that made my heart skip a beat. He was clearly a descendant of the Court of Vathi with features so fine. I returned his grin and dropped

the dagger into the bag I had hung over the back of the chair.

I asked the King if he wanted some wine. When he agreed gratefully, I pulled out my skin and extra cup and poured him a generous helping, topping off my serving, as well.

He asked what I was doing in his hunting cabin. So, I told him about my wandering soul and thirst for adventure and how I regularly used out-of-

the-way shelters to rest during my journeys, making sure to compensate my unknowing hosts generously.

As the night wore on, and the wine continued to flow, Elian became

more comfortable—he even told his guards to set up camp farther into the forest. I felt myself relaxing, as well. I had seen him, of course, knew of his legacy, how he’d summoned a god and singlehandedly smoothed things

over between the wolven and the Atlantians after the war. Still, I’d never had the pleasure of being in his company except from a distance and for a very short time.

As is my way, even without libations, my comments turned flirty, and my innocent touches became more numerous and intentional. I could tell that

Elian was not unaffected. I caught him swallowing thickly on more than one occasion, his Adam’s apple bobbing and casting shadows on his graceful neck.

With the wine working its way through my insides and the candle flames and body heat warming my skin, I found myself shedding layers of clothing as the night progressed. He had done the same, simply making himself more comfortable, and I suddenly realized how comfortable we were becoming.

It is well known throughout the kingdom that the King and Queen have an open marriage. They have children, of course, and I truly believe they

love each other in their way, but it’s no secret that the Queen prefers women and has no issues with the King taking lovers.

With that knowledge firmly affixed to the forefront of my mind, I

bolstered my courage and stood, approaching Elian where he sat slumped in his chair, a bit away from the table, legs spread in ease. I situated myself between his thighs and looked down at him, attempting to convey with a

look alone what I desired, testing the temperature of the waters and hoping he’d take the plunge with me. He stared up at me earnestly, his gorgeous, glittering eyes going a bit heavy-lidded, his chest rising just a bit faster with his breaths.

I slowly, oh, so slowly, reached out a hand, moving toward his face in increments, waiting to see if he’d stop me. Instead, he grabbed my fingers

and put my palm flat against his cheek, turning into it and kissing the inside of my wrist. My belly fluttered, and heat suffused me at the touch of those soft, pillowy lips to the sensitive flesh there.

He breathed in deeply, and I knew he could scent my arousal. I wasn’t

the least bit ashamed. Quite the contrary. I hiked up my skirts with my free hand and settled myself firmly on his thigh, letting him feel what the night had done to me, the heat and dampness that had settled at my core.

He groaned when I rocked myself on his leg and let my head drop back in bliss, our still-linked hands falling to the base of my neck right above the ruffled bodice of my gown.

Before I could even take a breath, he had freed my breasts from the

confines of their trappings, the air caressing my nipples and making them bead. It wasn’t exactly comfortable seeing as I was still clothed, but all

thoughts of discomfort fled when he lapped at first one rosy bud and then

the other, massaging one with a thumb as he took the other into the wet, hot cavern of his mouth. He licked and laved, making me nearly pant with want.

I ran a hand up his free thigh, twisting my wrist so I could palm the steely length of him where it struggled to be free of its soft leather cage.

Elian groaned again and renewed his fervor at my chest when I applied just a bit of pressure and squeezed, dipping an index finger behind the flap of

his breeches to gently scrape along his length with a blunt nail. That made him hiss and raise his head to look at me.

The look in his eyes was nearly indescribable. The closest I can come is to say he looked as if he were starving.

I deftly undid the ties at his waist and groin with one hand and tugged at the hem of his shirt with the other. He ripped the tunic over his head and then attacked my clothing with such haste and intensity I feared I’d be down to one gown for the remainder of my journey.

He pushed me back and off just enough that we could both rid ourselves of what remained of our clothes, and then he picked me up, swinging me into his powerful arms with no more than a thought before carrying me

through to the bedroom area of the cabin.

He laid me on the soft covers, and I unabashedly slid back, dropped to my elbows, and bared myself to him, flashing him a sultry smile. He didn’t miss a beat, he simply dove, devouring me so masterfully and thoroughly that I saw stars when I crested that peak and fell over the other side. He didn’t stop at just one, though. He circled that tight bundle of nerves and nipped at its hood. He thrust his wicked tongue into me as a prelude of

things to come. He inserted one and then two fingers inside me, twisting

and turning and hitting that spot deep inside that had me gasping for breath and soaking his digits.

When he kissed and nipped his way up my body and took my mouth in a fiery and passionate kiss, I knew I wanted to taste him as he had done with me. I flipped us, taking him a bit by surprise if the startled gasp was any indication, then kissed and licked my way to his impressive length,

caressing from the root up and swirling my thumb over his tip as I looked into his eyes and showed him with my expression how much I wanted him.

When I took him into my mouth, his hips bucked off the bed, and he reached to grasp my hair—not roughly but none too gently either, the slight bite of pain blending with the pleasure and the power I felt pleasing him thus. I used my hand to caress as I alternated between steady suction and

pressure with swirling loops of my tongue. I felt him stiffen further, felt his

body tense, and readied myself to indulge in him when he suddenly stopped and pulled from me.

I pouted and told him that we were just getting to the good part. He laughed, flashing those incomparable dimples again, and then pulled me up onto the bed with him, kissing me intensely and seductively. He moved his

tongue across mine in a way that reminded me of what he had done earlier, and I almost came again from that alone. When he lowered a hand and inserted three fingers this time, I almost combusted from the sudden intrusion, and all before he had even moved. At the first gentle glide and thrust, I did shatter once more, the cry rising from within and breaking our connection as my muscles locked.

I was so entranced I didn’t register his movements and could only gasp when he entered me to the hilt in one smooth motion. The bite of being filled was only compounded by his length hitting that spot inside once more in a

way that was so pleasurable it almost hurt. I shook and craved to move my hips, rotating them just slightly, needing to feel that surge and retreat, but he only chastised me with a chuckle and held me in place, prolonging the


He teased, kissing and licking my neck, nipping my shoulder, then retaking my mouth with leisurely conquest. Then, he finally moved. I could only call to the gods as he elicited a firestorm of feelings and sensations

inside me, across me, within me. Could only hold on as he took me

relentlessly, as I dreamed he would. As he punished me with pleasure and nearly killed me with desire. I felt as if I were floating above myself.

Thinking I couldn’t possibly take any more, he struck, his fangs burying deep in my throat, sending me careening into the abyss again. He hummed a little, took one more deep draw, and then stiffened, his back bowing as he emptied himself within me.

Elian surprised me after. Seemed he was a cuddler. We lay entwined on the bed, talking for hours until the sun rose. And when he returned from his

hunting excursion, I was waiting for him as he’d asked me to be. He told me he let his guards know to keep their distance, and we spent another night as we had the one before. And another after that. He actually had to send one of the wolven into town to buy me a new gown because it didn’t survive his

insatiable hunger on that second day.

Now, every time I see him at a formal kingdom function or run across a piece of artwork or book with his likeness, it sends me back in my memory

to those days I spent with him in our very own woodland oasis.

And I have to say, it brings me a perverse kind of pleasure knowing that if anyone finds my journals, this one in particular, they will know that I

once had a brief fling with a King.




Click here to see a full-size image of Malik by art.bymikki.

Malik is…complicated. As the heir to the throne, his life started fine, spending time with his brother and friends, exploring as teenagers will. But then tragedy struck, and things were never the same.

Hair: Nearly shoulder-length, light brown with blond hints.

Eyes: Bright gold.

Body type: Tall—a couple of inches taller than his brother. Thin since captivity.

Facial features: Golden-bronze skin. Sharp cheekbones. Straight nose.

Proud jawline. Full mouth.

Distinguishing features: Dimples.

Personality: Kind. Generous. Prankster. Was the life and soul of the family until the Blood Crown took him. Not nearly as serious as his brother. Abhors violence of any kind.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Loved to experiment with food and drink. Shields his emotions. Not skilled at compulsion—or resisting it. Generally, he thinks he knows everything, but he didn’t know the true history of the realms until his imprisonment.

Background: Elemental Atlantian. Was bonded to a wolven—Preela. Posed as the Dark One and passed himself off as Elian instead of Malik.

Family: Mother = Eloana Da’Neer. Father = Valyn Da’Neer. Brother = Casteel Da’Neer. Uncle = Hawkethrone†. Great-grandfather = King Elian Da’Neer†. Ancestors = Attes and Kyn, co-rulers of Vathi, Primals of War and Accord and Peace and Vengeance.


Born to King Valyn and Queen Eloana, Malik grows up in Atlantia and is close with his younger brother, Casteel, his bonded wolven, Preela, and his friends, Kieran and Shea. The group often spends time exploring, getting into mischief, and going to the beach—Malik loves to feel the sand between his toes. He also spends time training to fight alongside his brother until it comes time for him to learn to rule the kingdom.

When Casteel takes it upon himself to confront the Blood Crown and ultimately gets captured, Malik assumes the responsibility of finding and freeing him. He and Shea—Casteel’s fiancée—mount a rescue attempt, accessing Carsodonia through the mines in the Elysium Peaks. They fail many times until the one time they don’t.

Sort of. Nothing is as it seems.

During the rescue attempt, Shea and Malik get separated, and Shea tells the Ascended who she’s with, making a deal for a trade: both brothers for her life. So, having been tipped off regarding the details of their plan, the Ascended set upon them as she and Malik carry Cas through the dungeon tunnels. With the vamprys occupied with Malik, Shea reneges on part of her deal and attempts to flee with Casteel, thus allowing them to take Malik into custody—where he remains for a century.

While in Solis, Malik’s bonded wolven, Preela, attempts to rescue him. She even makes it all the way into Carsodonia before they capture her. King Jalara then kills her in front of Malik, but not before he and others assault her. After her death, they make seven bloodstone and wolven-bone daggers from her remains. The Queen gifts one to her Handmaiden, Coralena, who then gives it to her husband Leopold. Eventually, it makes its way to Poppy.

Broken from Preela’s murder and his time in captivity, Malik begins doing as he’s told—enough that he convinces the Blood Crown that he’s turned on his kingdom and family. He uses some of the leeway the Queen has granted him and assumes the persona of the Dark One, infiltrating Solis and cultivating a network of Descenters therein. Eventually, he discovers that Coralena and Leopold Balfour are taking Isbeth’s daughter, Penellaphe, away from the capital, and Malik is well aware of the prophecy surrounding the child and how the Queen plans to use her. So, when she sends him to bring Poppy back to the capital, he does as he’s told, albeit with ulterior motives. Leaving a trail of blood in his wake as he makes his way to Lockswood, it causes a horde of Craven to follow and attack the town. In

the confusion, Malik makes his move. Cora tries to convince him that Poppy’s not the harbinger—she might very well be their savior. She even stabs him in the chest to stop him. But he overcomes her and resumes his personal mission to kill the child. He never thought to do something like that, but safeguarding the kingdom and stopping Isbeth’s plans is more important than a single life. However, when he sees the Consort in Poppy’s eyes, he can’t go through with it. Instead, he saves her and returns her to Carsodonia.

The Queen’s first daughter enters the scene during his time in captivity

—before Poppy was even born. And Isbeth makes Malik do unspeakable things to Millicent—the depths and specifics of which we do not yet know. Somewhere along the line, Malik realizes that Millie is his heartmate. While he feels he isn’t capable of caring about anyone anymore, he owes Millie and refuses to leave without her.

When Cas and the rest of the group answer the summons the Queen issued via Poppy’s brother, Ian, Malik stands beside the Queen, dressed in clothes of wealth and privilege. He tells his brother that Ileana has opened his eyes to the truth.

It may have sounded like he was taking the Queen’s side there, but I like to think he was just making his brother aware that he knew the truth about the Ascended and everything that went along with that.

When the secrets start to unfold, Malik confirms that Isbeth intended to use him, marrying him to Poppy to unite the kingdoms and having him be Poppy’s Ascension…of the flesh.

Isbeth shocks everyone by giving her Revenant demonstration and having Millicent struck down, and Malik can’t help his reaction. He jerks and almost takes a step forward before stopping himself. However, unable to look away, he stares until she finally rises once more—something that doesn’t go unnoticed by the others in the room.

When Isbeth reveals more of her ultimate plan and sadly states that she no longer has the blood of an intended King—since Cas is now the King of Atlantia—Malik smiles apologetically, but he’s anything but sorry.

Poppy and Isbeth end up in a fight, and Poppy is incapacitated. In order to save her and the others he loves, Casteel surrenders himself to Isbeth, and the Queen orders Malik to retrieve him.

After Isbeth removes Cas’s finger and sends it to Poppy, Millie makes Malik aware that his brother is suffering from an infection. He goes down to

see Casteel, and the reception isn’t exactly a family reunion. He tells his younger sibling not to be a brat and then disinfects his finger.

As they talk, Malik reveals that he was furious to learn Isbeth’s truth and that their parents lied to them both. He wonders if either of them would be where they are now if they had been told the truth centuries ago.

Seeing how his brother is suffering, he’s genuinely sorry he can’t feed him and help ease his misery. But he says that if he does, Cas will be punished. Knowing what they did to his brother the last time, he doesn’t want that to happen.

Malik mentions that he’s been thinking of Shea lately and tells Cas that he knows what she did—that she turned them over to the Ascended. He’s sorry to hear that Casteel was the one to kill her and says he remembers how much she loved Cas. He also guesses that Casteel never told anyone about her betrayal.

Casteel mentions Millicent and, once again, Malik can’t control his response. As his brother tells him more, he becomes very interested in what things the Handmaiden told Cas. Come to find out, it’s about the Revenants. Malik agrees that Millie is odd but asks that Cas not take it out on her. He says that, like Poppy, she’s had very few choices in life.

As they talk more, Malik tells Cas everything has to do with Poppy. When Casteel reveals that Poppy was entirely on board with coming to rescue him, not even knowing him, Malik says that she doesn’t know him— or at least doesn’t remember him. When Cas questions that, Malik doesn’t answer except to say that he’ll find out soon enough.

Upon the Queen’s next meeting with Poppy and her two guards— Kieran and one other he doesn’t know—Malik remains stoic when Kieran tries to bait him. Then, when the Queen asks her daughter if she’s been able to resist the men’s ample charms, Malik can’t help but grin.

Poppy insinuates that all the lies will soon be revealed, and Malik asks what she expects: for Solis’s people to turn their backs on all they’ve ever known? He then goes on to say that they will fear Poppy.

Not long after, Poppy breaks through Malik’s mental shields and shocks him, sending him reeling, even giving him a nosebleed. When he’s unable to compose himself completely after, the Queen orders her Handmaidens to remove him. He waves her off.

Isbeth soon tells Malik to take her guests to their rooms—separately. He takes Kieran to one and Reaver to another below as Callum takes Poppy to

see Cas.

Later, when Poppy questions why the Queen summoned her to the Great Hall, Malik tells her it’s so she can see how much she’s loved. He goes on to relay that Isbeth has been warning everyone about her, reinforcing their fears that she’s the harbinger. As they discuss the lies that were told about the Atlantian-captured cities, and Poppy tells Malik that his kingdom/father would never do the things that Isbeth claims, he shows no emotion.

Poppy notices his attention on Millie and taunts that she’ll tell the Queen that Millicent is the reason Malik stays. He threatens her, and not long after, the Queen orders him to leave.

Isbeth goads Poppy and tells her to unleash her power but not to forget that she’s not sitting in front of an Ascended. She crushes a Solis couple with her power to prove her point.

Poppy, Kieran, and Reaver leave Wayfair—and a huge mess in their wake. Malik follows and offers to take them to Cas if they get out immediately. When Kieran tells him it’s suspect, he tells him it’s a significant risk and reminds them that he helped Cas when he had the infection. He simply says he doesn’t want his brother anywhere near the Queen.

They still don’t believe him, so he answers a question that Poppy asked him some time back, confirming that he stays for Millie. He then explains that they’re heartmates. When Kieran calls her crazy, Malik warns him and then tells him that while he still loves the wolven like a brother, he won’t hesitate to rip out his throat if he doesn’t lay off the Handmaiden. He reveals that he’s done many unimaginable things for Millie—stuff she will never learn about.

Making their way to the dungeon, Malik urges them to hurry. He details how he ran into Callum earlier and felt he needed to check on his brother— to see what Callum might have done. When they all see what he did— wounding Casteel gravely enough to kick start his bloodlust—they realize they can’t get him out, at least not while conscious. So, Malik has Kieran distract Casteel while he puts him in a sleeper hold.

Kieran suggests they will need the deity bone chains for when Casteel wakes, and Malik agrees. When Reaver uses his fire to free Cas, Malik is shocked to find that he is a draken. Once they get Casteel free, he carries his brother through a series of tunnels and out of the castle. He then leads them to a friend’s house—Blaz, and his wife Clariza. Both Descenters.

When Clariza greets them with skepticism and a dagger, calling him Elian, Poppy tries to calm her by reinforcing what Malik told her and Blaz: that the unconscious man in their friend’s arms is the King of Atlantia, and she is the Queen. When they bow, Poppy shocks Malik by telling them not to because she’s not their Queen.

Once they get Casteel into a bed, Malik tells Poppy that his blood won’t do much for Cas. It has to be hers. Though when they try to secure him, he fights, the bloodlust taking control. Stunned, Malik watches as Poppy heals and soothes his brother. They finally settle him, and Malik tells Poppy that Cas needs motivation, like the scent of her blood, then explains that if he doesn’t take enough, things will be even worse for him.

With Cas still not entirely with it but calmer, Malik goes to get Reaver so he can remove the bone chains. When he returns, Cas acts as if he wants to attack the draken, and Poppy tries to remind him who it is, telling him that he probably doesn’t want to take him on. Malik remarks that it looks like he does.

Once things are settled there, Malik leaves, presumably to fill Blaz and Clariza in on what’s going on. He ends up on the settee in the living room to rest. Before he goes to sleep, however, he tells them all that he will secure a ship to smuggle them out of Solis and away from Carsodonia.

Talking later, he tells everyone that Blaz and Clariza are good people. When Poppy asks him if Millie is her sister, he wonders how she knows. Cas remarks that Millie both told and showed him, and Malik says how much she and Poppy look alike and adds that they both ramble.

As an answer to some of Casteel’s questions, Malik confirms that Millie would have been a god had she survived her Culling. When Reaver enters and reiterates what he heard, only referring to Millie as the Handmaiden, Malik gets upset and tells him that she has a name, thus letting everyone know there’s more to their relationship than meets the eye.

The conversation continues, and Malik explains that Casteel’s blood wasn’t strong enough to Ascend Millicent—he was too weak from the captivity, and Isbeth didn’t consider that. When they ask about Ires, he explains that bone chains and the deity bone cage nullify the god’s eather. He then mentions how Callum showed Isbeth how to make Revenants and says he wishes Millie would have kept her mouth shut about…everything. Everybody who knows those secrets is dead, and he doesn’t understand why she took such a risk.

His final bit of knowledge is that while she isn’t powerful enough yet, Poppy’s purpose is to destroy the realms. And she will be strong enough to do just that after she completes her Culling.

He shares with Poppy that Isbeth named her after the goddess who warned of the prophecy, then goes on to say how Poppy has already taken part in Isbeth’s plan by being born. But then he adds that perhaps her free will is greater than the prophecy and what Isbeth wants—after all, Coralena believed she would usher in change and not destruction.

When Poppy displays her shock at Malik having known Cora, and he can see that she remembers that fateful night in Lockswood, he tells Casteel that what they did to Preela broke him. He said he was never loyal to Isbeth

—not after what she did to Cas and what Jalara did to Preela. Not after what Isbeth made him do to Millie. He wanted to kill the Blood Queen and actually tried before realizing what she was. And he likely would have kept trying if it weren’t for the prophecy. But when he learned of that, he couldn’t let Isbeth destroy the realms or Millie. He had to do something.

He says that killing a child was a line he simply couldn’t cross. Even when he tried again, thinking it was the only option, he saw the Consort looking at him through Poppy’s eyes. He didn’t know that was possible, and it stayed his hand. When additional questions arise about the events of that night, he explains that the Craven followed the trail of blood he left—the distraction was the only way he knew he could get past Leo and Cora.

Cas doesn’t take kindly to learning that his brother was the source of Poppy’s pain—both physical and psychological—and compels him to pick up a dagger and put it to his throat. When Malik says even more, insinuating that he would have tried to kill her even if he had known she was his brother’s heartmate, Casteel launches himself at Malik, taking him down and beating him until Poppy uses her power to separate the two.

When cooler heads prevail—a bit—Clariza warns them a group of guards is approaching, and Malik tells everyone they need to get out and make their way to the docks. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen, and Isbeth, Callum, and her guards burst in.

Isbeth tells Malik that he belongs to her and accuses him of betraying her—which he did. She then tells him to get over what was done to him and Cas. He’ll never get over it. He finally speaks up, telling her to fuck off, and she insinuates they haven’t engaged in that in many years.

As much as I adore sex, I simply cannot imagine anyone with Isbeth, let alone Malik. But I digress.

Callum wounds Kieran, and Malik moves to grab him, but the shadows throw him back first. When Isbeth tells them they can all go except for him, he tells the group that it’s okay and heads for Isbeth. Cas tries to stop him, and Malik demands he let him pass. Poppy attempts to convince him to stay with them by reminding him that he’s no good to anyone dead, implying Millie. Kieran knocks him out to make sure he doesn’t go with the Queen.

When Malik awakens, they are already on their way to Padonia, and he is bound by bone chains with his hands behind his back, riding astride a horse led by Reaver. He explains how the white banners above the doors signify that those places are havens for Descenters.

The group reveals the details of their plan, and Malik makes it very clear that he is appalled they’re even thinking of doing what Isbeth wants and giving her Malec. As they talk more and discuss the curse that Callum put on Kieran, he tells the wolven that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to him and that he still cares. When Reaver mentions the curse not working if Kieran, Cas, and Poppy are Joined, Malik feels relief. He assumes they are and hadn’t even thought of that—unfortunately, they’re not. Yet.

As they camp, the brothers have a bit of a heart-to-heart. He imagines that Casteel hates him, and Malik doesn’t blame him. He knows that Cas looked for him for the entire century he was gone and wished and prayed that he would give up. When he heard that the Descenters were calling Cas the Dark One, he hoped his brother would hear of the man they called Elian and think Malik had betrayed Atlantia, forcing him to give up his search.

Things get heated, as sibling discussions can, and Cas tells him that he lied to and betrayed Poppy for Malik’s benefit, making it clear that doing so is something he can’t easily forgive. He then asks how someone who abhorred violence of any kind could even consider harming a child. Malik explains that when all was said and done, he couldn’t leave Poppy there to die. He took her back to Carsodonia and the Queen. He goes on to say that he got a glimpse of Poppy before they put the veil of the Maiden on her and saw what his actions had done. And while it’s a small comfort, Cas is lucky he didn’t see the wounds when they were fresh.

As more details of that night in Lockswood come to light, Malik reveals that Alastir saw and recognized him. He also says that when he saw the

Consort in Poppy’s eyes, he believed what Cora did: that Poppy would end the Blood Crown. Over the years, however, he realized that it didn’t matter who Poppy was at heart. All that mattered was whether Isbeth found a way to exploit Poppy’s power: Isbeth will stoke her anger, Poppy will respond with rage, and after her Culling, she’ll reply with death. Cas takes offense to the insinuation and grabs Malik by the throat, telling him she’ll never do what he says she will.

Malik wants to believe that Poppy can control her actions and tells Cas he won’t hurt her like he would have done when she was younger. He also reminds him that Millie hasn’t tried to hurt her either. When Cas mentions what Millie said about him ultimately killing Poppy after her Culling, Malik replies that it couldn’t have been easy for her to tell him that. While the Handmaiden doesn’t know her sister, she wouldn’t wish that kind of end for her. Still, he hates that his brother had to hear that he would be the only one who could stop Poppy and that it would mean his brother killing his heartmate.

When Malik asks Cas about the Joining, he’s stunned to learn they haven’t completed it. When Cas asks him why he didn’t try to kill Poppy again—or why Millie didn’t—Malik explains that Poppy is still her sister, even if she wasn’t supposed to know about her. As for him, by the time Poppy was old enough that he didn’t see her as a child, he figured Cas would kill her to get back at the Blood Crown. When Cas asks him if he

wants to defeat the Blood Crown and if Millie does, as well, he answers in the affirmative. Malik then agrees to join them in finding Malec, killing Isbeth, and ending the fight once and for all.

Just before Casteel removes the bone chains, he asks Malik about the rhyme he said while in Lockswood. Malik listens to Cas recite it and says it’s disturbing, but he has never heard it before.

They reach the others, and when Malik sees Delano, he kneels. Delano, in wolven form, nudges his hand with his head, making Malik shudder. He places a palm on Delano and closes his eyes, unable to stop the tears. Preela was Delano’s sister, and that pain is still as fresh as it was when the Blood Crown took her from him.

In Padonia, the reunion with his father is tense. And even though he’s no longer chained, it’s clear he isn’t completely free. Naill and Email watch his every move. During dinner, he’s shocked when Valyn reveals the Blood Queen’s true identity, making it known that he and Eloana knew all along.

The distrust remains clear as they set out to find Malec. They won’t even give him a weapon, despite the threat of the Craven. He insists they give him something to fight with when they are attacked, trying to reason with them that he can’t help them take down the Blood Crown without something to fight with. He’s told to use his charming personality and to shut his mouth.

Poppy casts the Primal magic locator spell, and he can tell it worked and says as much. As they follow the trail, he assumes it will lead them to the coast. He asks Poppy why she hasn’t asked about that night in Lockswood. She doesn’t reply, so he nudges her, insinuating that she must have lots of questions. Poppy asks him how Coralena died, and he explains that Isbeth made her drink draken blood, but that she favored the Handmaiden, so it was one of the few times the Blood Queen didn’t draw out a death.

When they reach the tunnel and are set upon by Gyrms, Malik once again asks for a weapon and then suggests that Poppy just go all Primal on them.

After retrieving Malec, Malik rides next to the wagon. In Padonia again, they put him in a chamber under guard once more. He’s always been good at being where he’s not supposed to be, however, so he sneaks out and surprises Poppy in the stables, where she’s with Malec’s casket. He touches it and remarks that it doesn’t feel like anything special to him. He asks her if she senses anything, and she shrugs, clearly lying.

Later, as they’re discussing sabotage and sacrifice, Malik reveals that all manner of things crossed his mind regarding thwarting what they were about to do but that he prefers not to be burned alive. When he reminds Poppy that she sacrificed her father to save Cas, at least in a way, he adds that he’s relieved to know she did. He explains how he’s done all manner of things for Millie. When asked if she would do the same for him, he replies that Millicent would be more apt to set him on fire. Poppy seems stunned, and he explains that while they’re heartmates, she doesn’t actually know that.

Malik hopes Millie won’t be at the Bone Temple but assumes that Isbeth will likely demand her presence. When Poppy asks why Millie hasn’t tried to stop Isbeth, Malik explains that while she is strong and fierce, she’s not a demis like the Queen. And that while she is Isbeth’s daughter, she’s not evil. She’d never kill a child or her sister—unlike him. He then tells Poppy how

Jalara killed Preela in front of him, and that Poppy carries a piece of his bonded wolven with her in the form of her dagger’s hilt.

Once they reach the Bone Temple, they finally entrust him with a sword, and he helps Emil and Naill unload Malec and carry him to the Temple.

Without looking at her, he asks Millie if she’s okay.

As events unfold and Poppy pieces together her part in the prophecy— that she was the bringer of death and destruction by bringing Malec to Isbeth—he swears when it all comes together. As the earth cracks open and the dakkais spill forth, he fights and tries to safeguard Millie. Delano saves him at one point, but Malik ends up fighting Callum. When Isbeth lashes out at Millie, he protects her as best he can but dies—until Poppy, with the Consort inside her, brings them all back to life.

Awakened, he sees that Millie is gone and goes after her. She’s always his first thought.

His first priority.

Later, he returns to Wayfair with Millie to talk with Poppy and Cas, only to find Poppy in stasis. He makes sure Millie can sit with her and then talks with his brother for a while. They air a lot of stuff, and once everything is said, they come to a bit of a truce. While talking to Cas, though, he brought up he and Millie being heartmates while she was just in the other room.

He’s not sure if she heard or not.

But does it really matter? She hates him—or so he says. And he believes she should.‌


Click here to see a full-size image of Millie by art.bymikki.

There is still so much we do not yet know about Millicent, but I am utterly intrigued by what we do know and anxious to uncover more.

Hair: Nearly white-blond and waist-length with tight curls.

Eyes: An incredibly pale silver-blue—almost colorless.

Body type: Round hips. Several inches shorter than Poppy and shorter than the other Handmaidens.

Facial features: Olive skin. Oval face. Full, wide mouth. Strong brow.

Stubborn jaw.

Distinguishing features: Fangless teeth. Some freckles on nose and cheeks. Wears a mask in a reddish black that extends from her hairline to below her eyes and stretches to nearly her jaw on both sides—looks like the wings of a bird of prey.

Personality: Kind. Cheery and chipper. Polite. A bit odd. Keeps emotions behind tight walls.

Other: Possibly close to two hundred years old—the war ended four hundred years ago, and Ires came to Isbeth two hundred years later.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Not susceptible to compulsion. Carries crescent-shaped shadowstone blades. Claims to excel at behaving but has a habit of shedding blood needlessly. When she uses arrows, she tips each with shadowstone. Loves to hum but is terrible at it. Has a habit of rambling. Forced loyalty is to Isbeth, but she still tries to protect people.

Background: Revenant Handmaiden. Didn’t survive her Culling, so Isbeth turned her into a Revenant. However, most think she’s like a

Revenant yet…not, which is somewhat true given that she’s not a third daughter and her origins were slightly different.

Family: Mother = Isbeth †. Father = Ires. Sister = Penellaphe Da’Neer.

Ancestors = Nyktos and Seraphena.


Born to Queen Ileana (a.k.a Isbeth) and Ires Mierel, Millicent’s life started as a bit of a lie and something not hers to command. The first

daughter referenced in the prophecy, she was always meant to be a tool. That became even truer when she didn’t survive her Culling, and Isbeth, unwilling to let her die, used Primal magic to turn Millie into a Revenant— or at least something having Revenant traits. I’m still wondering if there’s more to that story that has yet to be uncovered. Anyway, it resulted in her becoming one of the Queen’s personal guards—a Handmaiden—and being trained in every manner of death known.

She and Malik Da’Neer are heartmates, but as far as I know, she remains in the dark about that fact. Though maybe she does know and just chooses to ignore it. It’s also been said that Isbeth forced Malik to do many unspeakable things to her, and it forever changed their relationship. We do not, however, know what those things are yet.

Millie’s history comes to me in flashes and bits. I haven’t been able to piece it all together quite yet, but most of what happened when she finally met Casteel and then her sister is fairly clear.

When Poppy, Casteel, and their group infiltrate the castle and come across Ires as a cat, Millie cuts them off in the hallway. Delano sees her as a threat and immediately attacks, but she bests him in seconds, shocking the others. Casteel attempts to use compulsion on her to make her let Delano go, and it has no effect. When the wolven asks her what she is, she tells them all she’s a Handmaiden…and many other things.

Millie politely asks Delano to behave himself and reveals that she has a nasty habit of shedding blood unnecessarily. She also insinuates that she excels at behaving and makes a point to emphasize that they have not behaved by going where they should not have gone—the underground tunnels—and seeing what they should not have seen—Ires.

She offers to keep it from the Queen if they promise to do as they’re told, but adds that if they don’t, it won’t be them who pays the price, it’ll be

their cohorts who approach the eastern gates. This lets the group know that their plan has been foiled.

While they’re all before the Queen, Isbeth uses Millie to demonstrate what a Revenant is and what they can do by having a guard stab her in the heart. She dies and then resurrects as she always does, once again moving to stand at the Queen’s side and listening to them discuss a Revenant’s strengths.

When the Queen has Ian beheaded, Millie can’t hide her shock. To me, that indicates she’s not as icy as she tries to portray.

As Poppy raises the furious storm outside of Oak Ambler after Casteel gives himself up, Millie appears before her and tells her to stop, hinting that Poppy will hurt innocents if she continues. When she orders the others of the group to intervene, and nobody moves, she tacks on a threat that if they don’t stop her, she will. Poppy throws a net of power at her, and Millie tells her it won’t work, also making Poppy aware that a shadowstone arrow is pointed at her head.

After Poppy finally calms a bit, Millie tells her she’s sorry about Ian. She then makes sure the group understands that all the vamprys have left and only innocents remain, so they shouldn’t be so hasty to wipe out the entire place. When Poppy threatens her further, Millie laughs and says she would welcome the final death.

They talk a bit more, and Millie finally reveals that the Ascended will take Cas to the capital, but she doesn’t know where. She goes on to say that Isbeth will have the Revenants and Malik watching him, and that the only way Poppy can save him is if she brings the fire of the gods.

This may seem like an innocuous statement, that Poppy should bring everything she has, but in my interpretation, she’s actually telling Poppy that she needs to secure Nyktos’s guards. I love that she revealed that Poppy needed to get the draken without coming right out and saying it.

About thirty days into Casteel’s imprisonment, Millie goes to see him.

After looking him over, she informs him that she thinks his finger is infected. When Cas asks her why she’s there, she admits that she made a promise to someone—which we later find out was Malik. She tries to get him to bathe, and he sasses her at every turn. Finally, she quips that he must be cranky because he’s hungry and tells him that Malik gets that way, too.

Interesting that she knows that and would bring it up.

Cas asks her where his brother is, and she replies that he’s probably here, there…everywhere he’s not supposed to be. When he states that she must be around Malik a lot to know what he’s like when he needs to feed, she says she’s really not. She’s just observant.

I don’t believe that for a second. Knowing what we know about Malik’s extracurricular activities beyond the Queen’s notice, that statement about him being in places he shouldn’t takes on a bit of a new meaning, though I’m not saying that because I have proof. It is merely conjecture.

As Millie scrubs the symbols from her skin using Cas’s bath water, they talk about the tunnels and wards. She tells Cas how Poppy broke the wards when she Ascended into her godhood, allowing things to get in and out, though not even Callum knows when and where. When Cas asks more about the golden one, Millie tells him that Callum’s really old.

Millicent reveals that she would have killed Isbeth, but the Queen is a god—we know she’s really not, but… Then she says that she believes Poppy will eventually kill her, telling Casteel that she saw Poppy after Cas gave himself up and realized how powerful she is. Cas tells her his wife is unlike anybody else, and Millie agrees. However, when he mentions that Nyktos is the reason for Poppy’s uniqueness, she corrects him by saying that he knows nothing if he thinks Nyktos is the true Primal of Life and Death. She then details how Isbeth needed a tool/weapon to destroy the realms and lets it slip that Isbeth figured out how to bring to life something that can.

Millie is there to head off Poppy, Kieran, and Reaver while they’re on their way to Carsodonia to save Casteel. A fight breaks out, and they eventually have a discussion where Millie calls Poppy the Queen of Flesh and Fire. Ultimately, they all end up at Wayfair.

Later, Millie tells Poppy the Queen wishes to speak with her about the future of the kingdoms and the True King of the Realms and informs Poppy that New Haven and Whitebridge have fallen under Atlantian control—the Blood Crown received a missive. She adds that everyone’s been on edge since. Poppy refuses to wear the outfit Millie brings her because it’s white and says she won’t be forced to look like the Maiden again. She tells Millie to either get her something else or she’ll go naked. Millie jokes that it would almost be worth letting Poppy go like that just to witness the outcome.

As they talk more, Poppy warns Millie not to refer to Isbeth as her mother. When Poppy pushes with her powers, Millie blocks her attempts to read her. As she leaves Poppy, she tells her she’ll keep Kieran and Reaver company and comments on how handsome Reaver is.

Everybody has a crush on Reaver, it seems. I can’t stop seeing him as a youngling, though. He will always be that for me since I saw him in my visions during the time of the gods.

Later, while escorting Poppy and the others to the Great Hall, she confirms that Reaver is right when he says the statue in the Hall isn’t Nyktos. Once inside, Millie reminds Poppy to calm herself lest everyone think the harbinger is among them. When the Queen says that Cas, unlike Malik, never learned to make his stay easier, Millie can’t control her anger. She may not particularly like Malik—or at least she pretends not to—but it’s clear she can’t help but be concerned about him.

It greatly amuses Millie when Poppy stabs Callum in the heart. The Queen, however, is not amused and punishes Millie’s impudence by making her clean up the mess.

Once again in the cell with Casteel, he states that Isbeth won’t hurt Poppy; she’ll hurt others to get to Poppy. Millie confirms. Then, pretending to have blood in her hair, she washes it in Cas’s tub, revealing that its natural color is nearly white, not flat black. She then scrubs her face, making her true appearance known and highlighting her likeness to Poppy. When Cas only looks on, she tells him that she has something important to tell him and then informs him that she’s the first daughter. She adds that she was never meant to be, but neither was the second. When he questions that, she confirms that she and Poppy are full-blooded sisters and that Ires sired them both. She explains to Casteel that she is not a god like her father, though. She’s a failure. He tries to argue, and she tells him that, like his brother, he has no idea what is and isn’t possible—like the real history of the realms, for example.

Millie details how everything Isbeth has done has been for a reason: When she took Cas the first time, why she kept Malik…it was all so she’d have someone from a strong Atlantian bloodline to Ascend Poppy and make sure she didn’t fail like Millie did. Once Poppy completes her Culling, she’ll give Isbeth what she’s wanted since her son died: revenge against everyone. And she doesn’t want to remake the realms. She wants to destroy them.

Poppy is destined to do that—to be the harbinger foretold…she won’t have a choice. Millie then reminds Casteel that while Isbeth isn’t strong enough to remake the realms, she created something that is. Thinking about that makes her a bit sad, and she lets some of her emotions slip and show.

This is another indicator that Millie is different from other Revenants. It’s clear she has emotions; therefore, she has a soul. Other Revs do not.

Millie knows the Queen will succeed, no matter what anyone does. First, Poppy will complete her Culling, and then her love for Cas will become one of her very, very few weaknesses. He will be the only thing that can stop her. Either way, Millie’s sister won’t survive; she’ll either die by Casteel’s hand or drown the realms in blood.

Adorned with paint at the Bone Temple, Millie is very uneasy and concerned about Malec being brought to Isbeth. She tries to warn Poppy and asks where Reaver is, telling Poppy she should be worried because Isbeth didn’t ask about the draken. She feels that something is very wrong with all of what’s going on and says as much.

After Callum heals Kieran, it buoys Millie when the wolven stabs Callum in the chest. She remarks how seeing him taken down never gets old but makes sure to tell Kieran to go for the head next time if he wants it to last longer.

Millie watches Isbeth kiss Malec in his casket and remarks how it looks like she’s about to climb inside. When she hears her mother say, “It cannot be any other way,” she jerks her head, only to see Isbeth plunge a dagger into Malec’s chest.

Confused and not understanding what exactly is going on, she can only listen as Callum gloats, calling her a failure. She suddenly realizes that it was supposed to be Poppy on the altar, which makes better sense when Callum explains the prophecy to them.

Millie asks who the harbinger is, and Callum tells her that she is—she was the warning. Callum inquires if she really thought Poppy would destroy the realms and says that it would take her eons to be that powerful.

After Casteel rips out Callum’s heart, Millie tells Poppy they still have a chance to stop what’s been set in motion because Malec still breathes.

Chaos ensues, and Millie is hit on the head with a rock as the stone explodes. Malik catches her before she hits the ground, and then Delano saves them both from a dakkai.

Millie engages with the other Revenants and screams at Poppy to get the dagger out of Malec’s chest and get to Isbeth. When she can’t, Millie goes. Just as she finally reaches Malec and gets her hand around the dagger’s hilt, Isbeth blasts her with eather and she dies.

She gets up after Poppy calls to the Consort and then watches Poppy take out the dakkais and Isbeth. In the confusion afterward, Millie sneaks away.

We know that Malik went after her.

Eventually, she finds that out, too, because she shows up at Wayfair with him. When she discovers that Poppy is in stasis, she’s concerned. She visits with her for a while but ultimately leaves.

Wait until she discovers what Poppy has turned into…‌






Becomes Queen Mother Eloana Da’Neer

Click here to see an image by art.bymikki of Eloana and Valyn full size.

Hair: Onyx-colored.

Eyes: The color of cool amber honey.

Facial features: Proud jaw.

Personality: Frenetic. Cautious. Strong.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Always has what’s best for the kingdom in mind. Finds it hard to talk about her missing son. Calls Casteel “Hawke.” Worries greatly for her people—to the point it sometimes overshadows hope. Doesn’t talk about Malec much. Prone to stabbing Valyn. Has killed to keep Iliseeum’s location a secret. Poisoned Isbeth with belladonna. Entombed Malec.

Background: Elemental Atlantian. Was young when she became Queen. Her bonded wolven died during the war. Was married to Malec.

Family: Ex-husband = Malec. Husband = Valyn. Sons = Malik and Casteel. Brother = Hawkethrone †.

Eloana is not only the Queen Mother of Atlantia’s current King, she is also a pivotal piece of the gears that were set in motion where Isbeth is concerned. Malec had an affair with Isbeth when he was married to Eloana. Eloana thought he hung the moon but soon realized that Isbeth wasn’t like his other mistresses—she was his heartmate.


After Poppy is attacked at the Chambers of Nyktos, Eloana walks into the Temple and sees what Poppy has done. She asks what Hawke has brought back to Atlantia with him and then tells the onlookers to bow to their new Queen.

When Poppy insists that none of what’s going on is her, Eloana tells her that she may not have realized she summoned the wolven, but she did.

Many shifted without warning. She then turns her attention to Cas and tells him that he needs to care why the wolven are acting as they are, declaring that the bonds between the wolven and their Elemental Atlantians have been broken. She goes on to tell Poppy that the godly blood in her supersedes any oaths between the wolven and their bonded Elemental Atlantians, and that’s why the bonds broke.

The attack on Poppy shocks Eloana, and she tells Poppy that she’s not a Soul Eater and that her attackers should have known exactly what she was when they saw the eather in her blood become visible.

As discussions of Malik arise, Eloana wonders aloud if the marriage between Hawke and Poppy is a ploy—she knew her son’s original plan.

When Alastir attacks, Eloana is stunned once again when Cas is hit with arrows. She commands the Crown Guards to stand down. She doesn’t understand why they would go after her child—their Prince and now- destined King.

Alastir and his cohorts abscond with Poppy. I imagine Eloana assisted with those who were poisoned by the shadowshade.

After Poppy and Cas go through their harrowing ordeal and return to Atlantia, Eloana welcomes Hawke at Cove Palace but then sees the differences in Poppy. She knows she was Ascended and stares in disbelief because she’s not a vampry. Everything brings up a slurry of emotions for Eloana, things I felt in my vision: relief, joy, love, and sorrow.

Having had time to think about what happened with Alastir, Eloana explains that she thinks he believed the Royals would support his plan to be rid of Poppy, which was what he meant when he cried “It’s not too late” at the Chambers. Eloana can’t help but keep bringing up Poppy’s Ascension, and Poppy gives her a piece of her mind for disrespecting her. Eloana apologizes and is surprised by Poppy’s understanding.

Eloana and Poppy discuss Poppy’s heritage. Eloana confirms that Poppy does share abilities with Malec and remarks that she even looks like him.

She assumes that Malec must be her father, though there are some things about that hypothesis that don’t add up.

She tries to soften the blow of the news to Poppy by telling her that Cora could still be her mother, just not mortal. However, she realizes that Alastir would have known, therefore making that untrue.

She reveals that she knew Alastir had found someone he believed to be Malec’s descendant but didn’t know anything about her and had no idea that Poppy was the one he’d spoken of.

After additional thought, Eloana later reveals that it’s impossible for Malec to be Poppy’s father because she found him after the war and entombed him in bone chains under the Blood Forest, which was four hundred years ago. It would have only taken two hundred for him to become weak enough to die, so he would have been dead long before Poppy was born. However, she theorizes that maybe the Blood Crown discovered where Malec was entombed and helped him rise. They then hypothesize that Poppy must be Nyktos’s great-granddaughter.

When the golden trees of Aios turn blood red, Eloana tells Poppy that the trees represent the blood of the gods, and the changing color signifies that a deity is in line for the throne. They were red when the deities ruled and turned gold after Malec was dethroned. She also refers to Ileana as the Queen of Blood and Ash and tells Poppy the root of that story.

Despite everything, Eloana continues to defend Malec, telling Poppy he wasn’t a bad man or a bad ruler, he was just someone who became lost.

When plans are made for their next moves, Eloana asks Poppy what they’re going to do about Malik and inquires what Poppy will do if Ian is not as she remembers. After Poppy answers, she worries about the state Malik will be in and almost thinks it would be better for him if he were dead. The thought of that makes her dissolve into tears, and Poppy comforts her as she cries. She also calls Poppy logical, brave, and strong.

Eloana later reveals that she, Valyn, and the Elders already decided that war is inevitable. They plan to burn Carsodonia to the ground and cut off the head of the snake, so to speak. She then goes on to say that only Poppy and Cas, Atlantia’s new King and Queen, can stop what’s in motion.

However, Eloana also reveals that a different battle is brewing in Atlantia between those who can trust a stranger and see Poppy as the

rightful Queen, and those who can’t. She adds that even if Poppy abdicates, the divisiveness will be as destructive as war. She then admits that she thinks Cas and Poppy are the best things for Atlantia and explains to Poppy why she thinks she’s fit to rule. Eloana informs her that she has days— maybe a week—to decide, but if she chooses to wear the crown, she needs to do it for the right reasons.

Valyn, Cas, and Vonetta appear and tell everyone there is a convoy of Ascended at Spessa’s End. When Ian requests a meeting with Poppy and her allies, Eloana fears it’s a trap to grab Poppy, Cas, or both of them.

After returning to the capital, Eloana’s crown of bleached bone becomes shiny and gilded. She tells Poppy that the coronation can be whenever they’d like it to be but that the Elders are eager to hear their news.

We definitely were.

She offers to send word regarding the changing of the crowns while Cas and Poppy meet with the Council.

During the coronation ceremony, Eloana crowns Poppy and then introduces her to Rose, the palace manager. She’s surprised when Poppy not only asks her to call her Penellaphe and not Your Majesty, but also changes the Atlantian Crest to show equality between her and Casteel. The crest initially had unweighted weapons, the sword being much greater than the arrow. In the new version, the sword and arrow are the same size and perfectly crossed at the middle.

When they talk more about what needs to be done—a trip to Oak Ambler and a trip into Iliseeum to recruit Nyktos’s guards—Eloana theorizes that waking Nyktos could be what forces the Blood Crown’s hand, though she and Valyn plan to stay at the palace while Poppy and Cas go to Iliseeum. They’ll serve as Crown surrogates while the new King and Queen are gone.

Following the events at Oak Ambler that lead to Casteel being taken prisoner by the Blood Crown again, Poppy seeks Eloana out upon her return. Eloana instantly sees that Cas isn’t with Poppy and reaches for her husband—who isn’t there—when she realizes why her Hawke didn’t return. When Poppy admonishes her, saying that Eloana knew what Isbeth was and wasn’t, and by keeping that from them, it led to current events, it makes her stomach drop.

Poppy relays to Eloana that the Blood Queen killed her brother, Hawkethrone, and now they have her son. Again. Poppy knows exactly why

the Blood Queen wanted her sons—because it’s personal.

She accuses Eloana of knowing that Ileana was Isbeth and that she wasn’t the first Ascended—she’s not an Ascended at all. Eloana swears she didn’t know until she found Malec after the war and entombed him. Poppy tells her it doesn’t matter when she learned the truth, just that she didn’t reveal it.

When Eloana asks if her son is alive, Poppy asks her which one and relays that Malik is cozied up with Isbeth, and then shows her the marriage imprint, proving that Cas is alive. Though she adds that it means very little given what has happened.

Eloana explains that it was all ego and tells Poppy why she did what she did. Then she admits that she didn’t want to go to war with Solis, partly because Isbeth’s identity and story would come out. Poppy relays that Malec lied to her about being a deity and that Isbeth knew all along. Eloana then humbles herself and admits that Malec will always hold a piece of her heart.

Poppy tells Eloana about her parentage and reveals that the Queen planned to have her marry Malik and retake Atlantia. Eloana doesn’t see how Isbeth’s plan wasn’t a success since Poppy is the current Queen. Poppy then asserts that she’s been used her whole life and won’t let it happen again. She tells Eloana that she plans to wake the draken and states there will be no preventing the war now.

Poppy asks Eloana to look after Tawny, her first friend, and Eloana summons me to help the poor girl after her shadowstone stabbing.

I’m unsure what Eloana did after that, but when the plan is put in motion to return Malec to Isbeth, Valyn contacts her about where and how she entombed the god.

The Queen Mother is in for a shock when she hears about everything

else they uncovered while they were away.


Becomes King Father Valyn Da’Neer

Hair: Blond.

Eyes: Gold.

Body Type: Tall. Broad-shouldered.

Facial features: Cut jaw. Straight nose. High cheekbones.

Distinguishing features: Dimples, though they rarely show.

Personality: Direct. Sometimes aggressive when it comes to a goal. Not the jealous type. Very reserved with his emotions.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Fights with graceful brute force. Will do anything to protect his wife. Always has what’s best for Atlantia in mind. Likes wine.

Background: Elemental Atlantian. Bonded wolven died during the war. Was newly crowned when he fought Jalara in Pompay. Eloana has stabbed him many times, but he insists he probably deserved it.

Family: Wife = Eloana. Sons = Malik and Casteel. Grandfather = King Elian Da’Neer †. Descendant of = Attes, co-ruler of Vathi, Primal of War and Accord. Other ancestral family = Kyn, co-ruler of Vathi, Primal of Peace and Vengeance.

Valyn is not only the King Father of Atlantia’s current King, he also played a significant role in the power shift within the kingdoms.


Following Poppy’s display of power after the attack in the Chambers of Nyktos, Valyn reaffirms Alastir’s statement that Poppy called the wolven. He tells Cas to think about why his bonded wolven—Kieran—is ready to attack him.

Later, during discussions, Valyn comforts Eloana when the conversation turns to Malik. He also reminds Cas that he and Poppy are not the King and Queen yet. After Alastir’s display of treason, he tells the wolven that he will be held somewhere safe and will accept the decision without argument. He adds that if he doesn’t, Cas or the other wolven will likely attack, and Valyn won’t intervene.

Once plans are made, Valyn joins the group that goes to Irelone to rescue Poppy. When she’s mortally wounded with a crossbow bolt, Valyn panics when he realizes Casteel plans to Ascend her. He tells the guards to seize his son, but the wolven encircle them, making him unable to do anything but watch.

After the events at Spessa’s End, he admits that he’s impressed by what was done but doesn’t believe it was enough. He still wants retribution and war.

Casteel secrets him away for safekeeping, and Emil and the others escort him back to Atlantia. He later meets Cas and Poppy in the Temple of Saion. When he sees Poppy for the first time since her near death, he’s shocked to see that she hasn’t Ascended. He remarks that he was present when Cas came out of his shadowshade poisoning and realized that Poppy was gone. He adds that he’s never seen him like that, and it’s something he will never forget.

In a moment of truth, Valyn tells Poppy that if she had Ascended, he would have been obligated to kill her and would have tried without hesitation, even knowing the wolven would not have let him make it to her. Her becoming an Ascended would have meant a war that would have weakened them to Solis.

Valyn agrees that Poppy is no longer mortal and remarks that it must have to do with her heritage, though he is unwilling to discuss it more without Eloana present—he’s protecting her from a history that has haunted them for centuries. Though he does advise that everyone keep Poppy’s changes a secret from those who aren’t in their inner circle or were there when Cas saved her.

When the time comes for them to mete out justice against Alastir, Valyn asks for assurance that the wolven will not survive the night. He adds that if he does, Valyn will see to it that he dies at dawn—something he will personally ensure, so long as a crown still sits upon his head.

Poppy thanks Valyn for his hand in rescuing her, and he tells her that she doesn’t need to thank him. She’s family now.

The fact that he switched his way of thinking so quickly was at first suspect to me, but the more I meditated on it, the more I realized that it’s just the way things are with Poppy. It doesn’t take people long to see her and realize she’s special—Primal powers aside.

After the attack at the Contou residence, Valyn tells everybody that the attackers were the Unseen and shares more information about the group.

In discussing the recent treason, he says he believes the Crown Guards involved in the attack spoke openly to those who weren’t, thus infecting them with their nonsense.

Upon their return to Atlantia, they see that the trees of Aios have turned from gold to red, and Valyn tells Cas that the people will see the shift as a sign of great change.

Valyn meets with Cas and Poppy at Cove Palace. When Eloana asks if Hawke’s grown taller, Valyn remarks that Cas stopped growing ages ago— right around when he stopped listening to his parents.

At one point, Valyn slips and calls Poppy Maiden. Cas threatens him and says to never call her that again.

After Poppy saves Marji, the young child who was run over by the carriage, they discuss Poppy’s abilities. Valyn knows of no other Ascended mortal with Atlantian blood who went through the Culling and didn’t become a vampry. Nor does he know of any living half-Atlantian descended from the gods. He then tells Poppy that it’s impossible for Cora and Leo to be her parents.

When they discuss Alastir’s part in all of what’s happened and what Valyn and Eloana knew and didn’t, Valyn says he knew that Alastir had found someone he believed to be Malec’s descendant but didn’t know anything about them.

It’s known that Valyn and Eloana have killed to protect the secret of Iliseeum. So, when pushed about what happened to Poppy and those they killed while protecting the realm of the gods, Valyn tells Cas that if he is to become King, he needs to learn to handle doing things that will turn his stomach and haunt his dreams.

They discuss Poppy’s heritage some more, and Valyn tells Poppy that no other deities could be her parents because Malec killed them all. Then he adds that, to him, her powers are too strong to be several generations removed. He goes on to say that the changes in the trees of Aios signify that a deity is in line to take the throne. He adds that Poppy’s mother would have to be nearly as old as Malec and either an Elemental Atlantian or of another important bloodline—possibly one they believe died out.

Talk turns to the prophecy, and Valyn admits his curiosity.

Poppy says she wants to destroy the Ascended, and Valyn believes he has a supporter in his war efforts. However, he tries to convince them not to rush to Spessa’s End to meet with the Ascended convoy and says that Cas is speaking like a man in love, not a King.

Valyn and Eloana return to the capital and relinquish their crowns.

During discussions, Valyn knows Cas and Poppy want to talk about more than just what happened during their meeting with those in Solis. He refers to Ian as an Ascended and irritates Poppy. When he suggests that her claim to the throne might be contested, he is quickly put in his place.

During the meeting with the Council, Eloana tells him it’s time, making him allude to the fact that they don’t take the traditional route with anything. He sternly corrects Lord Gregori about Poppy’s heritage and is pleased by her show-of-force response.

Once Poppy and Cas are officially crowned, Valyn advises them that they will need to choose an Advisor. When Cas mentions he already knows who he will ask to be the Advisor to the Crown, Valyn agrees that Kieran is a good choice.

After the group decides to go to Iliseeum, Valyn remarks how waking Nyktos could be an unnecessary risk but says that he and Eloana will stay at the palace to serve as Crown surrogates while they are away.

After Casteel gives himself up to the Blood Crown, Valyn briefly sees Poppy after she returns to Evaemon without her husband and immediately leaves for the north.

With the army, he greets Poppy at the northernmost point of the kingdom and tells her that he knows she’ll get his son back. He adds that Cas is a very lucky man to have found her and made himself hers. Then he says that he and Eloana are even more fortunate to have her as their daughter-in-law.

With sadness, Valyn asks Poppy a favor. He requests that she make Malik’s death as quick and painless as possible if she should see him. She agrees to his request.

Valyn arrives in Massene, and Vonetta tells him what happened with the draken in Vessa’s storm. He gives Reaver his condolences for the loss of his brethren and sistren and vows to make the Blood Crown pay tenfold.

During discussions with the generals and others about Oak Ambler, Valyn challenges Gayla La’Sere when she says their methods before may

have been brutal, but they were effective. He argues that given where they are now, they weren’t effective at all. They retreated. They didn’t win.

Poppy decides to warn the mortals about the impending city seizures, and Valyn isn’t sure that’s wise. As he hears more of the plan, he struggles to agree. He’s not worried about leadership; he’s concerned about his daughter-in-law. Her. He reminds Poppy that none of his family members have entered the capital and returned as they were before they left—if they came back at all. Poppy refuses when Valyn offers to go with her and reminds him what Isbeth would do to him if he were captured.

After Poppy dresses in her white outfit, Valyn goes to see her and makes a remark about how many weapons she has. He tells her that she’s the most powerful one and without outright saying it, asks her to remember that. She replies that she doesn’t want to be a weapon, she wants to be a healer, and he comments on how honest she is. Taking her in, he remarks that she looks like his favorite painting in the palace, the one of the goddess Lailah in her white armor.

Poppy mentions what she saw while asleep, and Valyn corrects her when she tells him about her shared dreams with Casteel. He calls it dream walking and tells her it’s actually soul walking because they’re heartmates.

With some shame, Valyn reveals that Alastir knew who Ileana really was before he did; he didn’t know until Cas was taken the first time, and only because Eloana told him. He then says that he would never have retreated before had he known.

As the discussion turns to Malec, Valyn says that Eloana never talked about him. He knew that part of her still loved him and always would— even though he didn’t deserve it and she loves Valyn. Poppy scolds him again for not telling the truth sooner, insinuates that they wouldn’t have had to negotiate with Isbeth if he had, and says that Atlantia is built on lies as much as Solis is.

Valyn asserts that they truly believed she was a deity, a descendant of one of the mortals Malec had an affair with. They didn’t know that Malec was a god until Poppy revealed that to them. He also says that Eloana told him about Malec and Isbeth’s son, but he still believes she didn’t know the full truth until Alastir told her.

When the group takes Castle Redrock, he searches the keep with some other soldiers. They find and fight the Craven and the dozens of bodies—

veiled women with their bodies mauled. He wishes Poppy didn’t have to see it.

After Lin tells Valyn about the tunnels under the Temple, Valyn sends all the generals to secure them.

As more secrets come to light, Valyn wonders how a Priest of Solis knows a prophecy spoken by the gods eons ago. He’s also disgusted that they think the True King is Malec.

When Poppy asks Valyn where and how Malec was entombed, he tells Poppy that Eloana used old magic and bone chains to secure him. He adds that Malec wouldn’t be conscious and likely wouldn’t remember himself, let alone seek retribution. However, he agrees they need confirmation and says he’ll send word to Eloana.

After discovering the Ascended Priests and Priestesses, Valyn is shocked that Poppy didn’t know the vamprys served in the Temples, too. When she and the others go to find the children, Valyn stays with the Priests and Priestesses. Later, he asks Poppy what she wants to do about the Priests and Priestesses and reminds her that she doesn’t have to be the one to do everything.

Valyn wonders if the conspirator in the prophecy refers to Isbeth—the remaking of the realms could just mean taking Atlantia.

Poppy addresses the townsfolk, and Valyn and she talk about her need to delegate. She insists she should be the one to talk to the families, and he tells her that Cas is lucky to have found her. She tells him that they’re both lucky.

They make a plan for their route and how they will accomplish their goals, and Valyn promises Poppy that Vonetta will have no issues with the generals in her absence, that they will take down no Rises, no innocents will be killed, and Poppy’s wishes will be carried out.

Later, in Padonia after Casteel’s rescue, Valyn greets his son and shakes as they embrace. He tells his son that he told Poppy not to go and get him and is put in his place fast. Despite having a lot to discuss, it will have to wait.

When Valyn finally comes face-to-face with Malik again, it’s uncomfortable—he goes pale, his voice cracks, and he stiffens when Malik greets him impassively. All he can do is tell him that he looks good with a vacant tone.

Sven asks what the Blood Queen would want with Malec, and Valyn reveals who she really is, saying that she was Malec’s mistress and informing them that she was never a vampry because a god cannot create a vampry. They create something else.

Talk turns to how Isbeth thinks Malec can help her destroy Atlantia and remake the realms, and Valyn is shocked. The god won’t be in a good state and will need to feed—a lot. He’ll eventually recover but there’s no telling what mental state he’ll be in or what he might do.

Eloana gets back to him about Malec’s whereabouts, and Valyn shares the information: he’s in the northeast corner of the Blood Forest near some ruins, entombed in a casket and covered in deity bones. He then reveals that I helped Eloana entomb Malec, though he has no idea what Primal essence Eloana and I used to do it.

As the group readies to leave for the Bone Temple, Cas tells Valyn that he’s to remain in Padonia with Vonetta, saying that she will need his support to rule. It’s an order, so he’ll obey but bidding the others goodbye is difficult.

He is certainly in for a shock when he finds out everything that happened…‌


Ex-Advisor to the Crown

Oh, Alastir. While the root of his beliefs and the reason for his actions may have come from a somewhat noble place—wanting to protect the kingdom above anything—he certainly didn’t think things through when it came to what his actions would do to those he purported to love. Not only did he betray those he was quick to say were family, it ultimately cost him his life.

Hair: Long, sandy-blond.

Eyes: Pale blue.

Body type: Broad-shouldered.

Facial features: Ruggedly handsome.

Distinguishing features: Deep groove scar in the center of his forehead.

Other: Raspy voice. At least eight hundred years old but looks in his forties.

Personality: Not prone to violence. A bit of an alarmist.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Incredibly loyal to his kingdom.

Background: Was King Malec’s bonded wolven but has been unable to shift since their bond broke. King Valyn and Queen Eloana’s Advisor to the Crown. Part of the secret Protector brotherhood. After he betrays Cas by kidnapping Poppy, Poppy kills him by slitting his throat.

Family: Daughter = Shea †. Niece = Gianna. Great-nephew = Beckett



To me, Alastir has always been a little shady. As a prominent wolven, Malec’s bonded, uncle-like figure to both Princes and Kieran, and the Advisor to the Atlantian Crown, he featured in my visions, of course. Still, there was always…something there that made it slightly unclear and a bit too mutable. After recent events, that reason became clearer. I only wish I had seen it beforehand. But, then again, I don’t mettle in the affairs of the Fates—at least not much.

Let’s pick up the wolven’s timeline when he enters Poppy and Cas’s story, shall we?

As the group is traveling, Alastir arrives at New Haven just ahead of the storm.

After seeing Poppy for the first time and noticing the bite mark on her neck, he comments that he’s missed a lot and goes on to talk with her. Later, during their formal introduction, he mentions that he’s surprised by her last name and says Balfour goes back hundreds of years in Solis. I can only imagine it’s because he knows about the last oracle or something about Leopold. He also mentions that he’s surprised to hear of her Atlantian descent, given how close her parents were to the Blood Crown.

When Poppy mentions the night the Craven attacked her family, Alastir responds with a bit of curiosity. Poppy thinks it’s because he’s wondering if that’s how she ended up scarred. But now that we know he was there, I wonder…

In the banquet hall later, Poppy politely greets Alastir, and he speaks with Kieran briefly in another language. He then mentions his shock at hearing about her proposal to Casteel and refers to her as the Maiden. When Cas chastises him, he acquiesces but not before stating that no one can change the past, regardless of current circumstances. During dinner, when talk turns to how Poppy tried to murder Cas, it takes Alastir aback. I can guess what was going through his mind there. He was already scheming to ensure the prophecy didn’t come to be. And then to learn that she’d tried to murder his Prince…

They discuss the skewed history and what the people of Solis believe, and Alastir mentions that not all in the kingdom are loyal to Queen Ileana and King Jalara. He is, of course, speaking about the Descenters— particularly those faithful to Atlantia and those who think as he does: The Protectors. As talk shifts to the plans, Alastir clarifies that his allegiance is to the Kingdom of Atlantia. To those at the table, it would have sounded like he was talking about Cas and his plans, but we know that’s not true.

Alastir was loyal to the kingdom first and foremost until the very end, and that meant he couldn’t be okay with Casteel’s new plans pertaining to Poppy. He also warns about unrest among the wolven.

Alastir asks to speak to Poppy privately, and they take a walk. They discuss the fact that she can fight, and then Alastir reveals how his daughter, Shea, was Casteel’s intended. He puts Poppy at ease and promises he’ll help

her get out of her current situation if she feels it’s not what she wants. This may have seemed altruistic to Poppy, but there were much deeper machinations at hand. He also says he’ll ask around to see if any of his people know about her parents, but we now know that he already knew them both.

After leaving to check the roads with a small group, Alastir returns following the Ascended attack. He and his men take care of several of the Queen’s knights, and then he witnesses Poppy healing the injured. He asks her if she’s sure that her brother, Ian, Ascended since he doubts they would have let a half-Atlantian Ascend. He also tells her about the Empath Warrior bloodline and how they could siphon the energy behind emotions, feed on others in that way, and how they were called Soul Eaters.

Alastir leaves for Spessa’s End before the rest of the group. When he speaks with Poppy later, he tells her about the Joining and the wolven’s bond to the Elemental Atlantians, indirectly revealing that he was Malec’s bonded wolven.

Becket gets injured, and Alastir rushes him to Vonetta’s. He’s absolutely stunned when Poppy heals the young wolven—it’s much more than what she did after the Ascended attack, complete with a glow. He apologizes to her for those looking at her suspiciously and treating her strangely and advises her to ignore the looks, saying if she won’t remove herself from the situation, she can’t show that it bothers her.

This all seemed very counterproductive to what he planned. But maybe, despite knowing that he would be betraying her, he did have some fondness for her and a softness in him somewhere. And perhaps he really thought that he could just get her to leave if he overwhelmed her thoughts and triggered her self-doubt.

Alastir admits that he doesn’t understand how love sprang up between Poppy and Casteel given the Prince’s original plans for her as the Maiden. Then, he goes on to say how he’s seen Cas in love before and that the people expected someone else to become their Queen because Cas was promised to another.

Now that seems more in line with Alastir’s end goal. It was a grand opportunity to make Poppy doubt herself and her relationship with Casteel

—and incredibly manipulative.

When Casteel chastises him for bringing that up, calling him weak for doing it, Alastir claims that Cas marrying his niece Gianna would have

strengthened the relationship between the wolven and the Atlantians. Jasper warns Alastir that he’s overstepping, but the wolven still accuses Cas of refusing his duties to his people.

I honestly think that this was where the switch was completely flipped for Alastir. He had been plotting already but seeing that it was beyond hope and that he couldn’t talk Cas out of his plans or get Poppy to leave on her own just reinforced that he’d have to take matters into his hands.

As the others disperse, Alastir stays in Atlantia. When he meets back up with the group in Saion’s Cove, he’s shocked to see that Casteel and Poppy got married and even more surprised to hear that Nyktos blessed the union. He requests to speak with Casteel privately, likely hoping to talk some sense into him and bring him around to Alastir’s way of thinking.

I’m not sure what he got up to between that point and when Beckett led Poppy to her ambush at the Chambers of Nyktos, but, like most, he arrives after the attack, witnessing the end of the display of what she can do. He tries to reason with the Queen, telling Eloana that it’s not too late and knowing what it will mean for the Crown.

He makes it known that Poppy is calling the wolven at the Temple and says that he can feel the broken bonds because he can sense Poppy’s Primal notam. When Cas orders the guards to seize Alastir, he’s shocked and states that Cas has no authority over the guards or him since he is not yet King.

They still secure him. When Valyn orders him to be put somewhere…safe, he’s incensed.

Shouting, “Protect your King and Queen,” Alastir signals those loyal to him to act, and they infect everyone trying to protect Poppy with shadowshade. He tells Poppy that she is the threat to Atlantia, not him, then knocks her out and whisks her away.

While Poppy is in the crypt, Alastir visits and apologizes for Jansen’s behavior. He then tells her about the gods, deities, Shadowlands, and Iliseeum. He goes on to explain how Poppy is dangerous. Says she’s entered her Culling and will start showing the same chaotic tendencies as those who came before her—the deities that became monsters, thus causing the Elementals to rise against them. He explains about Malec and reveals that Eloana and Valyn knew about Malec’s powers. Then, he implies that Malec is Poppy’s father and adds that the King had many mistresses, and there were others like her—children born of the deity—who never reached their Culling.

I’ve never been able to pin down whether or not Alastir knew that Malec was actually a god and not merely a deity or if he knew about Ires and Millicent.

Alastir tells Poppy about the prophecy and reveals that they’ve met before—the night her parents were killed. He thought she looked familiar when he met her in New Haven—something in the eyes—and had a nagging feeling but didn’t know for certain she was the one until she told him her parents’ names. He admits that he was there to help them flee Solis and claims that he didn’t strike her parents down but that he would have killed them both and her if given the chance. He goes on to say that the Dark One killed her parents, and that darkness outside his influence was there that night. When Cora and Leo told him about Poppy and who she descended from—the Blood Queen—he knew he had to do something, so… he let that darkness in, in the form of Malik.

Then, Alastir reveals all sorts of secrets: that he can no longer shift, that he plans to give Poppy to the Ascended, and that while he doesn’t want to harm Casteel, he will if he gets in his way. He adds that he doesn’t think that Cas’s plan is enough. Alastir and Valyn want the Ascended to pay, and so long as Poppy is alive, the throne is hers by birthright. He says he would rather go to war than have the likes of her unleashed on his people.

When Cas and the others come to rescue Poppy, they take Alastir into custody from the crypts, as well. Cas uses compulsion on him to learn the names of everyone involved and to find where they passed her off to the Ascended. While tucked away, a handful of Atlantians and mortals try to free Alastir but are also captured. Later, Casteel retrieves Alastir from the crypts under the Temple. Believing that Poppy is dead, Alastir is at first relieved when Casteel reveals that he won’t kill him, and then shocked to see Poppy. He tells her that what he started won’t end with his death. She tells him that she’ll never think of him again, cuts his throat, and then lets the wolven cannibalize him.

After his death, we learn that Alastir knew that Ileana was Isbeth and that he was the one who killed Isbeth and Malec’s child.‌



Click here to see a full-size image of Kieran by Romanna Boch.

I have had my eye on Kieran for some time, but then again, he’s pretty easy on the eyes. I even dallied with his aunt and her bonded Elemental Atlantian once upon a blue moon…

Hair: Dark and trimmed close to the skull. Eyes: Striking pale blue like a winter sky. Body type: Lean.

Facial features: Warm beige skin. Sharply angled face. Goes from coldly handsome to strikingly attractive when he smiles.

Distinguishing features: Slight accent. Faded claw marks across his chest. A healed puncture wound near his waist.

Other: Fine dusting of hair on his chest. Over two hundred years old.

Personality: Snarky and sarcastic. A bit anal. Not the hugging type. Not modest. About as transparent as a brick wall. Go-to expression is bored with a hint of amusement.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Moves with the grace of a dancer when he fights. Often sleeps in wolven form and kicks but rests easiest as the sun rises. Loves biscuits…well, food in all forms. Doesn’t like crowded cities. Excellent at making alcoholic drinks. His loyalty to his family and those he loves goes beyond any bond, including the Primal


Preternatural traits: Fawn/sand/tawny-colored in his wolven form. Slight foresight—has feelings that tend to come true. Nearly as tall as a man, even on all fours. Imprint is like cedar: rich, earthy, and woodsy.

Blood smells like the woods, earthy and rich.

Background: Bonded to Casteel since birth. Lost a great love—Elashya

—who was born with a wasting disease.

Family: Mother = Kirha Contou. Father = Jasper Contou. Sisters = Vonetta, and a new baby sister, name still unknown. Aunt = Beryn.

This loyal, protective, funny, and fierce wolven is the perfect balance for Casteel and Poppy. He would do anything for them, and they for him.


Born as the first child to Jasper and Kirha Contou, Kieran was bonded to Prince Casteel at birth. The two shared a crib more often than not, took their first steps together, and sat at the same table most nights, even refusing to eat the same vegetables. They were inseparable. As they grew older, they were rarely apart, even though they sometimes appeared to hate each other, often coming to blows over minor things—as siblings are wont to do.

Kieran once had a great love, Elashya, who was born with the same wasting disease her grandmother had. It didn’t reveal itself for more than a hundred years, but when it did manifest, it was virulent, shut the body down, and killed her within days. He will always harbor sadness for the loss.

Adventurers at heart, Kieran spent considerable time exploring with Casteel, Cas’s brother, Prince Malik; and their friend, Shea. When they went into the tunnels, they ensured they wouldn’t get lost by marking the stone walls with their initials. I’m sure some can even be seen today. Kieran and Casteel even tried to sail past the Mountains of Nyktos once to see if any of the land beyond was habitable and almost drowned in the process.

Now, on to when things really start to pick up…

When Casteel tries to take down the Blood Crown, Kieran doesn’t know the plan and is expressly forbidden from going to the capital. He immediately knows that Casteel is injured when he suddenly feels sick and realizes it’s serious when it robs him of all his strength. Kieran discovers that Cas has been captured when he doesn’t return, Kieran can no longer walk, and no amount of food or water sates him. He quickly loses weight and remains in that weakened state for the entire five decades Casteel is held by the Blood Crown.

Kieran is the only one who knows what Cas went through during his imprisonment and often had to help the Prince remember who he was back

in those days after he returned, reminding him that he wasn’t a thing. It’s a terrible link to solidify a tether to someone, but it’s there for the men, nonetheless. The two have a bond that goes beyond friendship and family. They are two sides of the same coin.

When Casteel devises the scheme to become Hawke Flynn—a name that Kieran actually pickedto capture the Maiden and use her as a bargaining tool to free his brother, Kieran is all-in. Despite hating most of Solis because of its many Ascended and crowds, he knows he will go wherever Casteel does without question.

And this is where the Fate lines of Kieran, Poppy, and Casteel converge for me in my visions…

Kieran starts out in Masadonia as a City Guard, traveling with Casteel into enemy territory to begin their ruse. He keeps Setti with him there, and he and Casteel meet secretly when they can. They use the Red Pearl a lot, but they also communicate via notes left in Wisher’s Grove.

He and Cas meet at the Red Pearl with another wolven, Jericho, and Descenter Griffith Jansen, a commander of the Royal Guard—a changeling who later reveals himself as a traitor to the Crown and is swiftly dealt with. After leaving to take care of some business, Kieran returns to let Hawke know that the envoy has arrived, not yet realizing the Maiden is in the room. If he had, I wonder if he would have delayed his interruption.

Later, Kieran and Cas meet with Emil and Delano in the Grove so that Cas can feed. When Emil is…well, Emil, Kieran tells him he has a death wish.

For real, though. He just can’t keep his mouth shut. And once Kieran finds out about Vonetta…he’s probably going to be ready to hunt him, too.

When Cas finds out that Jericho tried to take Poppy the night he killed Rylan Keal and ended up hitting her, Kieran tries to head him off, telling him he already knocked the wolven on his ass for his insubordination and telling Cas he can’t kill Jericho. He thinks maybe he’s gotten through to Hawke—and he did—but when they get to the Three Jackals, he can only stand by and watch as Cas cuts off Jericho’s left hand.

Later, he goes with Cas to the warehouse district, summoned by one of their Descenters. When they arrive, Lev tells them there’s something they need to see. When he sees, he thinks he never needed to see that. Nobody does. The Ascended turned a baby into a Craven. He can barely watch as Cas does what needs to be done.

Kieran leaves a note for Casteel, telling him that he’s in the meat packing district with a new friend. When Casteel arrives, Kieran tells him he’s been freezing his balls off and then takes great pleasure in scaring and tormenting Lord Devries, until he brings up stuff that it took Kieran much too long to talk Casteel through.

Kieran spends some quality time with Circe at the Red Pearl, but Cas interrupts. Kieran invites him to join, but Cas declines. After, they discuss the Duke and what Casteel wants to do to him, and Kieran tells him it’s revenge. And selfish. Cas tells him again that he wishes Kieran hadn’t come, and Kieran basically tells him to shut up.

He would never leave Cas.

The night of the Rite, he and Cas meet and discuss the plan. Cas tells Kieran he’ll meet him in the Grove later with the Maiden, and Kieran once again tells him he doesn’t like it. It doesn’t feel right. He does say that the Descenters are doing their part and creating the distraction, though.

Little does he know that’s not all they’re doing.

After the Descenters attack the Rite, Hawke takes the opportunity to spirit Penellaphe away under the guise of escorting her to the capital and the Queen. Kieran joins him, along with Royal Guards Phillips Rathi, Bryant, and Airrick, and Huntsmen Luddie and Noah. Leading the convoy with Phillips, Kieran takes notice of Hawke and Penellaphe’s interaction, noting how their relationship has already progressed. When he hears Penellaphe laughing loudly over Hawke disclosing that he brought along my diary, he sees something in Casteel that he hasn’t seen in quite some time—life.

I love that my journal made the journey with them.

On their first night of travel, the convoy sets up camp in the Blood Forest. While four of the guards rest, Kieran and three others keep watch several yards from where the Maiden attempts to sleep. Kieran and Hawke have a talk about the dangers and worries, and Kieran tells Cas that he surprised him—he hasn’t heard the Atlantian laugh like he’s done with Poppy in a long time. He teases Cas about going to keep Poppy company and is close enough to notice Hawke giving Penellaphe pleasure later.

After she falls asleep, Kieran teases him some more, telling him that Poppy likes him. He indicates that although they will reach Three Rivers prior to nightfall, they can’t stay there. The Prince suggests that if they break off halfway to Three Rivers and ride through the night, they could possibly make it to New Haven by the morning. Kieran asks him if he is

ready for that and mentions the growing relationship between him and Penellaphe, reminding Hawke to remember the task at hand.

Farther into the Blood Forest, they’re ambushed by a group of Craven.

Kieran moves with the grace of a dancer, fighting with a sword in each hand. After Airrick dies in the attack, Kieran takes the guard’s place, riding alongside Hawke and Penellaphe.

When they stop, Kieran and Cas talk about what the Maiden did with the dying guard. During the discussion, Cas calls her Poppy, and Kieran questions it. Cas pushes back, acting like it’s no big deal. Kieran warns him about getting too familiar and outright asks if she’s still a maiden. It upsets Cas, but Kieran reminds him of what she’s dealt with and that doing more will only fuck with her.

After resting near Three Rivers, Kieran shares his cheese with Poppy on the road while teasing her and answering her questions. They finally reach New Haven and reunite with the others of their group, meeting to discuss plans. During one of those meetings, Kieran watches as Cas rips out Orion’s heart and then tosses it into the fire.

Later, Kieran discovers Phillips trying to escape with Penellaphe, and a fight breaks out. Phillips cuts him on the stomach and leg during the skirmish. Unable to do much else, Kieran shifts into his wolven form and gives chase, punching through the barn door in pursuit.

When Bryant attempts to flee the stables, Kieran kills him. Once all threats have been neutralized, he changes back and joins Penellaphe and Hawke in their discussion of what’s been going on, scoffing at the things the Maiden thinks she knows.

Once they move Penellaphe to the dungeon, Kieran comes upon Jericho and his cohorts attacking her. He subdues them and brings the Maiden to Hawke’s chambers. Once in front of his friend, he tells him not to let her drink his blood and accidentally calls him Casteel—which does not go unnoticed by Poppy.

Later, after Poppy tries to escape and Cas catches her in the snow, Kieran talks with him. Cas tells him that she’s half-Atlantian and they talk about why the Ascended really wanted her. Cas finally admits he cares about Poppy, and Kieran is thrilled. They talk about how everything has changed and Kieran insinuates that Cas is in love. He tries to deny it and changes the subject.

While Hawke deals with the traitors who attacked Penellaphe, Kieran asks her if she’s going to bathe and tells her she smells of Hawke. A bit embarrassed, she agrees. When she’s in the tub for longer than anticipated, he goes to check on her, utterly shocking and scandalizing her. Trying to soothe her, he tells her that scars are revered among his people and never hidden.

I personally agree. Some of the most fascinating and deep people I have ever met and had the pleasure of being with had scars that were like roadmaps of their lives on their bodies. Tracing them was like taking in the personal braille of their history etched on their flesh.

Escorting Penellaphe and Hawke to the common area, Kieran steadies the Maiden when she stumbles, shocked by the sight of the traitors spiked to the wall. As they make their way to the dining hall, Kieran assures Penellaphe that they deserved what Casteel did to them. When they discuss how Penellaphe isn’t mortal and that she’s at least part Atlantian— something they recently discovered after Casteel fed from her—he tells her that every so often, a child of both kingdoms is born.

When Landell—another wolven—speaks up about his objection to the Prince’s announcement that he’s taking Penellaphe home to marry her, Kieran urges him to shut his mouth. He doesn’t, and Hawke kills him by ripping out his heart. Seeing the shock on Penellaphe’s face, Kieran asks her if she’d like to return to her room.

While he might have been making sure she understood that she wouldn’t be allowed to retire to her chambers alone, it was becoming clear that Kieran was developing a fondness for Poppy right along with Hawke.

As they walk, she asks him about the older man who came to dinner, and he tells her that it was Alastir Davenwell. Kieran goes on to explain that he is like an uncle to both Princes and him. As they walk more, he realizes her scent is different and tells her as much, saying that she smells of death.

Discussing the truth about the Ascended, Kieran tells Penellaphe that while the Prince earned his Dark One nickname, he is the only thing in both kingdoms she doesn’t have to fear.

Later, when Penellaphe attempts her escape, Kieran shifts and accompanies Casteel into the woods to retrieve her. Cas tells her that if she fights him and wins, she’ll earn her freedom, then orders Kieran back to the keep. When the Prince returns, Kieran heads out with him to deal with the

dead Craven Cas and Poppy encountered, and Kieran reveals to Penellaphe that it is a great honor to guard that which the Prince values so greatly.

There was no use denying Casteel’s feelings for Poppy any longer, and anyone could see Kieran’s softening for her, as well.

At dinner, Kieran steals food from Penellaphe—as is common for him— and they further discuss bloodlines. They’ve talked about them before, but there’s a lot she doesn’t know. Kieran tries to educate her a bit but also teases her. When she asks why he calls her Penellaphe, he tells her that nicknames are reserved for friends. He then asks her if she always has so many questions—something he does for the entirety of their budding relationship and likely will for many, many years to come, I’m sure. It’s just something unique to them and their bond, and I find it utterly endearing.

The following day, Kieran goes to escort Penellaphe to breakfast and confesses that he knew Cas’s plans. He further says that he knew they had changed before Casteel did—before he knew she was Atlantian. He then adds that he just knows things sometimes.

Jasper has the same gift, and I wonder if they have Seer blood somewhere in their line. But that’s just my assumption. I have no proof to substantiate those thoughts.

When Casteel arrives for the meal, Kieran moves to Cas’s left in a position of power and protection and reminds him that if they can’t convince Alastir of his and Penellaphe’s fake engagement, there is no way they’ll be able to persuade the King and Queen. After they talk about Penellaphe’s murderous tendencies and shock most of those at the table, they continue with the meal, and Kieran tells Penellaphe about the gods and their rest.

After dinner, despite my diary likely being the most interesting book in her chambers—something Kieran is quick to point out—Penellaphe goes looking for something to read and finds a nearly hidden volume that mentions the wivern, ceeren, and other things. She asks Kieran about it. He reveals that it’s a book of Atlantian records and moves in to take a closer look. As he does, his arm brushes hers, and he feels a shock like being struck by lightning, making him jerk away and jump back.

When the Ascended arrive, Kieran shifts. As Casteel is talking to Lord Chaney, he slinks around the keep, coming out near the stables. As a fight breaks out, Kieran jumps on a knight’s back as the Ascended is doing his

best to kill Elijah. Later, he tears out Lord Chaney’s tongue for annoying him and leaves the rest to Penellaphe.

Am I wrong for thinking that’s sexy? For Mrs. Tulis, her son, the man the knight slaughtered at Chaney’s command, the others who died during the fight, and those who perished later, I would have done the same as Poppy—and probably worse.

In the library later, Kieran tells Penellaphe the story of Casteel’s imprisonment and explains his bond with the Atlantian. He also reveals that the wolven Malik was bonded to died while trying to rescue him. They talk about Alastir and him being Malec’s bonded wolven, the war, and how the bonds changed afterward.

Everything changed after that war.

They ready themselves to leave for Atlantia, and Kieran and Casteel discuss strategy. They anticipate making it to Spessa’s End by the end of the week and talk about those they hope to join them in the battle with the scouts and knights the Blood Crown will inevitably send.

When they come upon tree hangings with unique shapes during their journey, Kieran warns Casteel. They know exactly what they are—the mark of the vicious, cannibalistic people of the land who live outside the Rise.

The Dead Bones Clan attacks, and they fight.

Luckily, Kieran isn’t hurt. I would have hated to see that fine skin marred…and there was plenty on display after he shifted. Poppy certainly noticed.

Kieran sees the damage Casteel took during the skirmish and worries about the Prince’s control. He makes it clear that he doesn’t believe Cas when the Prince insists that he’s fine. The arrows did quite a number on him.

Resting in Pompay, Kieran hears Poppy scream and bursts into the room she’s sharing with Casteel. He realizes immediately that he misread the situation and that it was a scream of pleasure, not one of distress. He apologizes and moves to leave until Casteel turns to him, and Kieran sees that the Atlantian is starving. He urges Penellaphe to run and moves to make Casteel lunge for him. As usual, she doesn’t listen and tries to talk Casteel down. Luckily, the minute she calls him Hawke, he snaps out of it, apologizes, and walks past Kieran and out the door.

Once Casteel is gone, Kieran checks on Penellaphe, ensuring the Prince didn’t hurt her or force himself on her. When she assures him that she’s fine

and asks what happened, Kieran explains that Cas saw him as a threat to her in that moment. He goes on to say that Cas needs to feed, and that he warned him about walking the razor’s edge of control and what would inevitably happen.

Penellaphe and Kieran share many things: that Cas told her about his nightmares, why Kieran believes Cas hasn’t fed, and stories about his and Cas’s shared childhood. When she mentions Shea, intuiting that the friend in Kieran’s story is her, he warns her not to bring Shea up around Cas.

Discussing Casteel later, Kieran tells Penellaphe that he’s happy she finally acknowledged that she cares for Casteel. When she asks him if Cas would have really let her go if she refused to marry him, Kieran tells her that, yes, she could have left, and Casteel would have let her leave, but she wouldn’t have been free of him—because he knows the depth of their connection, even if she hasn’t realized it yet.

With Cas finally agreeing to feed, Kieran referees, monitoring Penellaphe’s heartbeat and making sure Casteel takes enough but not too much. Knowing what will inevitably happen between the two of them after the feeding, he leaves.

I, for one, wish he had stayed. All three of them knew about the Joining by that point; they could have had a practice run, at least. And I know for a fact that Poppy and Casteel knew all sorts of tips and tricks about adding a third to their play from reading my diary. Heck, both Casteel and Kieran had practical knowledge, and I’d bet Poppy would have been totally receptive, if a little shy.

Talking with Alastir after Beckett’s injury, Kieran confirms that Penellaphe did, indeed, intend to kill Casteel when she stabbed him, shocking him and everyone else in the room.

Honestly, if they knew her, they likely wouldn’t have been so surprised.

When word comes that the sky is on fire, Kieran is one of the first to head to the parapets to investigate the claim and is there when Penellaphe arrives. They discuss what it could be and what to do and ultimately decide to wait. Unfortunately, that wait isn’t long. They’re attacked, and Delano is wounded in the skirmish. Kieran stands by as Penellaphe heals him. Later, in a strategy session, Kieran suggests alternate routes the New Haven refugees could take to avoid the Ascended.

To Kieran’s chagrin, Casteel orders him to accompany Alastir over the Skotos Mountains. When he argues and says he should stay with Cas, that

his bond and duty necessitate him defending Casteel with his life, the Prince tells him that he’s fast, strong, and will not fail, then tells him that he wants him guarding what is most precious to him—Poppy. When all is said and done, Penellaphe doesn’t end up going, but Kieran knows why Cas wants

him to go. He doesn’t want Kieran to sacrifice himself, and he wants to ensure that Alastir can’t thwart what he has planned by going to the King and Queen about the marriage before Casteel has a chance to tell them.

They exchange a heartfelt and affectionate goodbye. As he leaves, Kieran turns to Penellaphe and tells her to protect her Prince, calling her Poppy for the first time, thus solidifying that they are friends and that he cares.

Kieran and other reinforcements arrive right in the middle of Poppy’s standoff with Duchess Teerman. As the army moves in to attack, Kieran, in wolven form, nudges Poppy’s hand where the wedding imprint resides.

Poppy and Casteel tell him that he missed a lot while he was gone—which he did. The wedding was just one of many things.

He stands guard outside the carriage when Poppy and Cas have their hot and heavy celebration of life after dispatching the Duchess. Later, Kieran reveals that he and the other wolven heard Poppy calling to them for help and veered toward her. He also tells her that he believes he and the reinforcements were able to make it through the mountains and the mist so easily because the gods allowed it.

As they set out once more, Kieran rides with Poppy and Cas while the others go a different way. They are to meet back up at Gold Rock. During their journey, Kieran teases Poppy about their sleeping arrangements and insinuates that it will either become uncomfortable or interesting.

I’d go with the latter.

Poppy sleepwalks and nearly kills herself, and Kieran tells her that he believes the earth shaking was a god returning to their resting place, and that the goddess Aios stopped Poppy from walking off the cliff’s edge. He then shares that he dreamed about being chased by his own ghosts during her episode.

After Poppy’s attack at the Chambers of Nyktos, Kieran arrives in wolven form with many others and makes eye contact with her as the dozens of wolven move in, circling her and scenting the air. Protecting her.

Pupils shining a silvery-white, Kieran growls when others get too close to Poppy after her display of power. He even snaps at Casteel when he says he will destroy anything or anyone who dares to stand between him and his

wife. Bunching to attack, he only stops when Poppy commands it. Still on alert and ready to pounce, he finally backs down when Poppy reminds him that he told her that Casteel was the only person in both kingdoms she was safe with.

Alastir turns on them and orders the guards to attack Poppy. Kieran leaps to protect her and is hit with an arrow dipped in shadowshade, freezing him in place and turning his skin as hard as stone and as cold as ice. Just like it did with Jasper, Casteel, and others.

I’ve seen what shadowshade can do, and it is not for the faint of heart. It is a terrifying sight to behold, indeed.

Finally out of his paralysis and part of a larger group, Kieran rushes in to rescue Poppy in Irelone. He sees that they bound her with deity bones and carefully removes them. When Casteel arrives and rips a Protector’s spine from his body, Kieran quips that he’s just a little bit angry.

And let me tell you, Casteel Da’Neer is incredibly alluring when enraged.

After Poppy deals with Jansen, a Protector shoots her in the chest with a crossbow bolt. Kieran frantically tries to pull it from her, hurriedly telling Cas that it missed her heart but got an artery and lung, reinforcing that the wound is mortal but that there’s still time. When he sees that Cas won’t be deterred from Ascending her, Kieran assures him that they will deal with whatever comes… Together.

Sometime later, Kieran is present when Poppy wakes and realizes he can still feel her Primal notam. When she pounces on him in hunger, he warns Cas that she’s much faster and stronger now, but then realizes she didn’t Ascend.

Overseeing Poppy’s first feeding with Cas, Kieran forces her to stop when she starts to take too much. When bloodlust turns to another type of lust, he leaves the couple to their devices.

When Poppy reveals more about what she was told while being held, Kieran confirms that the bond between him and Cas is broken and tells her he thinks the wolven instinctually knew what she was all along but didn’t quite put the pieces together. When she goes on to tell them about the bits she heard regarding the prophecy, Kieran informs her that Atlantians don’t believe in them.

As she worries about the bond shifting to her and what it means for him and Cas, Kieran reassures Poppy that their bond goes well beyond power

and that it just means they’ve made room for her.

I absolutely adore these three!

They then discuss Poppy’s gifts, the deities, and immortality, and Kieran reveals that Poppy smells like final, absolute power to him now.

When they talk about Alastir again, Kieran says he believes the wolven still cares about Cas and his family but is loyal to the kingdom above all else. He then goes on to say that he assumes Alastir realized what Poppy was before anyone else and knew what it would mean for the kingdom and the Crown.

It doesn’t excuse his actions, but I also see the reasoning there. Kieran—in wolven form—and Poppy wait as Casteel retrieves Alastir.

When Poppy wonders if Alastir’s plan failed, Kieran telepathically answers, surprising her. After she slits Alastir’s throat, Kieran calls to the wolven, and they converge en masse to devour the disgraced wolven.

The next evening at the Contou residence, Kieran brings food and word that Valyn wants to meet with Casteel. He, Cas, and Poppy talk about the evening prior and how Casteel read parts of my journal about wicked kisses in secret places and foursomes—oh, those passages are good! But let me tell you, the real thing was even better… And Kieran laments that he wasn’t there for the foursome talk. Occasionally, I imagine sitting down with them and relaying some of the stories firsthand. It would be a delightful experiment to be sure.

Cas heads off to speak with his father, and Kieran stays with Poppy, explaining things about Nyktos and the wolven and their history, then telling Poppy that his people will respect her differently than they do the King and Queen because she is proof that they come from the gods. When she goes on to tell him what the Duchess told her about the Blood Queen being happy about Poppy taking both Atlantia and Solis, Kieran says that her actions determine whether she’ll become a threat to Atlantia, not her bloodline.

When she brings up hearing him in her mind at the Temple, Kieran asks about his imprint. She reaches out to test it and tells him that it’s like cedar, woodsy and rich. He assures her that he can’t read her thoughts all the time

—only that one time at the Temple so far—and that if he could, he imagines her mind would be a cyclone of questions. When they attempt to communicate telepathically, they succeed—both ways. Kieran theorizes that the notam allows the communication.

After a battle with the Unseen, Kieran, Cas, and Poppy discuss the fight. Kieran explains how he tried to keep her out of it, and Cas tells him that his wife can take care of herself. When Kieran reminds them that things are different now, Poppy compromises by telling him they’ll handle whatever comes…together. When discussions turn to the attack that killed Poppy’s parents, Kieran tells her that everything she’s been told about Cora and Leo is most likely a lie.

Kieran returns from checking on Sage after she’s injured and brings a textbook and his father with him. From the book, they learn about Gyrms and that Iliseeum is real. They also discover where it is purportedly located. Discussing it more and veering onto the subject of how the Gyrms came to be in their realm, Jasper reveals that most things about the Land of the Gods were kept secret, especially the magic. He goes on to say that am one of the few people who knows about it, taking all of them by surprise. They then tell Jasper about my journal, and he reveals that I’m one of the oldest changelings alive and one of Atlantia’s Elders. And while I wish he wouldn’t have—because a woman’s age should be kept secret and sacred— he tells the group that I am over two thousand years old.

When news comes that a child has been injured in an accident, Kieran sets off with Casteel and Poppy. As they approach the little girl named Marji pinned under the carriage, Kieran realizes the girl is dead. When Poppy resurrects her, seemingly without consequence, Kieran kneels, paying homage.

After Cas and Poppy’s sexy little tryst in the garden, they and Kieran take in the sights of the city and end up in a museum. They discuss Nyktos and his connection to wolves, viewing paintings of the King of Gods with a dark gray wolf, sculptures of him with a wolf, and a drawing where a white wolf stands behind him. They also discuss how Malec Ascending Isbeth is what led them to where they are today, the cave cat Poppy saw when she was younger, and the fact that godlines and their hierarchy have been greatly skewed by incorrectly reported history spearheaded by the Ascended.

Later, they come upon a wolven wedding, and Casteel dismisses the guards. Kieran spends some time with his friend, Lyra, and they all dance and have fun. Kieran tells Poppy that she honors them by joining in on the dances. After, Lyra pleasures Kieran in the shadows of the bluff, and he catches Poppy watching.

When the time comes to meet with the King and Queen, Kieran stands guard and helps Poppy assert her and Casteel’s position, speaking for the entirety of the wolven and stating that it doesn’t matter if Poppy is Malec’s daughter or not.

They discuss how Leopold could not have been Malec using an assumed identity or a changeling in disguise, and Kieran questions how Malec can be Poppy’s father at all, given he’s been presumed dead for centuries. Then he wonders if they’re wrong. Perhaps her father is actually someone else. He suggests that the only way to know if Malec has risen is for them to go to the Blood Forest and check, which is nearly impossible with all the Craven about and how deeply it lies within Solis.

Poppy’s brother extends an invitation for them to meet. Informing his parents of their journey to Spessa’s End to meet with Ian, Kieran begins gathering wolven to join them on the trip. When they arrive in the city, utterly exhausted, Kieran communicates with Poppy telepathically, and she orders them all to rest.

Later, in their wolven forms, Kieran and Delano, along with Netta and Nova, accompany Cas and Poppy to their meeting. When they come face- to-face with Ian, Kieran makes his distaste clear, and Poppy orders him to stand down.

During dinner, Kieran and Poppy talk about Iliseeum, Fate, and relationships. They chat about Lyra, and he teases Poppy about watching them at the wolven wedding. He then tells her about his lost love, Elashya.

In Evaemon, Kieran accompanies Poppy and Cas through the palace.

When her nerves get the best of her, he reminds her that she is a descendant of the gods and runs from no one and nothing. As the Queen relinquishes her crown to Poppy, Kieran and the others kneel out of respect.

Kieran accompanies Cas and Poppy to the hall for the Council meeting, and I finally meet Poppy and Casteel in person. When it’s time for the big announcement to the people, Kieran remains in his mortal form, and I delightfully announce the new King of Blood and Ash and Queen of Flesh and Fire to their people.

Later, Poppy and Cas summon Kieran. He believes it’s to discuss the Joining, but utterly shocking him, they reveal that they want him to be their Advisor to the Crown. He initially protests, insisting that it should be someone older—like his father—but Cas makes it very clear that they never even considered anyone else. That chokes him up a bit.

Poppy asks some questions about the draken, and Kieran tells her that she shouldn’t be so excited about them. He goes on to say that the draken were notoriously unfriendly and temperamental—not to mention they breathe fire—then adds that he hopes none of their group pisses them off.

Little does he know he’ll be at the center of one of those draken’s ire.

As the group sets out for Iliseeum, they make their way through the tunnels. Just as Netta is talking about wanting to read my journal—who wouldn’t?—she falls through the floor, taking years off Kieran’s life. He attempts to save her and pull her up, but he’s not quite able to reach her to get a good enough grasp. Luckily, Poppy is able to use her power to save his sister.

Once in Iliseeum, and after battling some skeletal soldiers, they approach the Temple, and Kieran realizes what the statues are—draken. When Poppy touches one, causing the stone to crack, revealing an eye, Kieran warns the rest of the group.

The girl simply cannot help herself. Her curiosity gets the best of her much too often.

Back in the mortal realm after nearly dying of anxiety when Poppy dared to antagonize the King of Gods, she, Kieran, and Cas spend late dinners trying to come up with a way to get past the Rise around Castle Redrock without being seen.

Over dinner one night, Kieran and others discuss going to Oak Ambler, and he lays out the plan. They will travel by sea, coming in where the Ascended don’t expect, and another group will approach by land on the other side, diverting their attention.

In disguise, Kieran and the others enter the city. The state of things there is shocking to them, as is finding a caged cave cat that turns into a man at Poppy’s touch—she really does need to stop touching random things.

Before they can go much farther, a Handmaiden and some Royal Guards and knights stop them, and they realize they’ve been thwarted. Brought before the Queen, Kieran is shocked to find Malik there—and looking hale and hearty to boot. When Malik talks about how he was meant to be Poppy’s Ascension of the flesh, Kieran has to hold Casteel back, warning him that his loss of control is precisely what they want.

After the Blood Queen reveals all her secrets and sets her terms, killing Ian as a punctuation mark, Kieran fears for Poppy’s state of mind. A battle begins, and Lyra dies, enraging Kieran even more.

In the woods of Oak Ambler after the melee, Poppy regains consciousness, and Kieran is forced to tell her that Cas handed himself over to Isbeth in order to save them. He tries to explain that there was nothing they could do, and that the Queen gave them Tawny as a gesture of goodwill. In her fury, Poppy conjures a storm. Kieran tries to calm her and begs her to stop, but she throws him with her power.

After a period of calming and taking care of Tawny, they return to Evaemon and Vonetta and Kieran go with Poppy in wolven form to inform Eloana what has happened and to reveal the truths of what Poppy was told about her being a god and more. Once everything is laid out, Poppy announces that she’s going to summon Nyktos’s guards.

When I saw that proclamation in my visions, I cheered her on. Poppy can be a bit naïve at times—all of this is new to her, after all. But when push comes to shove, she is one of the bravest people I have ever had the pleasure of viewing or meeting.

Kieran accompanies Poppy to Iliseeum once more to summon the draken and almost gets his arm bitten off. Nektas reveals that Ires is Poppy’s father, and they all learn about Jadis.

Back in the mortal realm, the back and forth between Reaver and Kieran continues—they bicker like adolescent siblings, I swear. When Jalara appears and tries to rile Poppy, she counters with her statement that he is the message to the Blood Queen. Kieran launches from the shadows and grabs hold of the King’s arm with his teeth as Poppy beheads him.

On their way to Massene, one of the wolven—Arden—becomes visibly agitated, and Kieran rides ahead to see what upset him so much. He’s unable to hide his horror at what he sees on the walls surrounding Massene, and it bleeds over to Poppy. When she sees the bodies on the wall, Kieran calms her as best he can.

Once they breach the Rise, they dispatch most of the Rise Guards before dawn arrives and the Ascended return. When the rest surrender, they question them, asking what was done to those on the Rise. The one who answers states that he wasn’t sure he saw what he did—that the Ascended were monsters—and Kieran confirms that it was all real before ordering them to be taken to the barracks and guarded but not harmed.

None of the guards outside Cauldra Manor surrender, and death reigns.

On the hunt for the Ascended, Kieran finds the manor’s underground chambers, which are similar to those in New Haven. Once inside, they see

that the cells are full of Craven. They surmise that the vamprys let them out from time to time just to terrorize the locals and keep up their ruse of the gods’ displeasure when edicts are not followed.

Twenty-eight days after Cas’s surrender, everyone is exhausted from barely sleeping, and Poppy is having trouble controlling her power. Kieran has been able to bring her back from the brink but getting her to take care of herself in general has been a challenge. When she fights him on things, he reminds her that he’s doing what she and Cas asked him to do—he’s advising.

Kieran chooses to sleep next to Poppy in his wolven form, as much as a comfort to him as it is to her. They’re both missing a vital piece of themselves, and they may be the only other people in the realm who can understand the pain of that. But he would never sleep next to her in his human form without Cas present. It’s a sign of respect.

Vessa, a crone referred to as the widow, is allowed to remain in the manor. The creepy woman who speaks in rhymes tries to stab Poppy, and Kieran comes into the library just after it happens. He refuses to go near her, though, believing her to be a spirit. A laruea. When it becomes obvious that Vessa’s madness stems from her belief in the prophecy, he warns Poppy that she should not be walking around alone. They don’t know who else might believe it or how far their fanaticism could go.

Kieran arrives with Emil, Perry, and a package meant for Poppy. He shields his emotions as much as he can—he knows nothing good can come of whatever’s in the box—and informs her that only her blood can open it. When Poppy goes to bleed for it, he reminds her to be careful and states that anything could be in a locked gift sent by the Queen.

Once they all see what’s inside—Casteel’s pointer finger with his wedding ring—Kieran slams the box closed, attempting to shield Poppy as much as possible. When she threatens the Queen, he says he would love nothing more than to do everything Poppy stated she wants to do, but they can’t. He fights the Primal notam, attempting to disobey her order for them to help her exact her revenge, and tries to reason with her. He explains that if she does what she wants in the heat of the moment, she will kill innocents

—something she won’t be able to live with later—and nobody will ever see her as more than a thing of rage and pure, uncontrollable power.

Once she’s calm again, Kieran gives her Cas’s wedding ring. She orders that the finger be burned, but not by him. He then tells her about the note

that was inside: an apology from the Queen for the pain she knew she’d cause Poppy.

Isbeth really is a piece of work.

When they discuss going to Carsodonia, Kieran tells her there’s no way she’s going alone and that she can appoint someone as Crown Regent to look after things while they are both gone. He also reminds her that Cas is a part of him and will need him there just as much as he needs her. She agrees but tells Kieran that she wants Reaver to come, too. Nektas wants Ires back, and Reaver can help that happen.

It becomes clear that Poppy needs to feed, and Kieran offers himself, reminding her that Cas would want that.

Poppy shares her choice for regent, and Kieran approves—his sister will make a great Crown Regent.

They talk strategy, and Kieran reminds her that Cas will be in bad shape when they find him. And her father, Ires, will be even worse. He gently tells her there’s no way they can get them both out safely. He makes sure she understands and then stresses that they will get Ires out. That much is not in question—just the when.

When Poppy dream walks with Cas, and Kieran wakes after sensing it, he tells Poppy how Jasper once told him that heartmates could walk in each other’s dreams—fortifying his belief that she and Casteel are heartmates.

A freak storm surges, shaking the manor, and Kieran tells Poppy he doesn’t think they should be inside. He urges her to leave before the whole building comes down. Unfortunately, once they’re outside, they witness the draken falling. Poppy tries to bring one back to life, and Kieran tells her that while she can heal, once a soul departs a being of two worlds, they’re gone. Reaver confirms by telling her that only the Primal of Life could restore the spark to a dual-natured.

Kieran trails Poppy when she realizes that Vessa had to be the one to call the storm. They come upon her using dark magic, and Kieran warns Poppy to be careful. She kills Vessa. Later, Reaver tells Kieran that he’s wrong if he thinks Nyktos was the Primal of Life and Death and stresses the difference between surviving any injury and coming back to life when talking about the Revenants. Kieran realizes that only Malec could have shared the knowledge of how to use such magic with Isbeth, who then shared it with Vessa to create the storm—however, we later learn that he

wasn’t the only one who could have shared such things. Callum could have, as well.

Kieran tells Poppy they lost the draken and that it isn’t only her burden to bear. He adds that there was no way she could have known that Vessa was capable of something like that. Nobody could have. When talk turns to the fact that Poppy cannot heal the wolven, Kieran reassures her that it’s okay. Everybody dies eventually.

During the Council meeting reception, Kieran points out the generals to Poppy and then joins her during the briefing. Gayla La’Sere asks how they can expect people to fight back, and Kieran replies that they can’t until the mortals know they have support from the Atlantians. He insists the mortals will find the strength to fight once they’re assured that Atlantia is not the enemy, and they reinforce that they mean to help disband the Blood Crown and stop the Rite.

They journey through the Pinelands to Oak Ambler, and Kieran sees a group leaving the city. They stop to talk to some, and several reveal that their children were taken. When Poppy makes promises to some of the parents, Kieran warns her that it wasn’t a good idea.

Poppy tries to gain entrance to assist the residents attempting to leave, but the Rise Guards don’t believe she is who she claims to be. Once she neutralizes them, Kieran comforts her by telling her they will save thousands. They enter the battle, and Kieran shields Poppy from a volley of arrows. When only a small number of soldiers remain, Kieran attempts to get them to surrender.

Once inside the chambers under Castle Redrock, they battle the Craven.

Kieran is furious that the Ascended turned the stronghold’s servants. Poppy’s fury matches his, and she orders him and the others to find the vamprys and bring them to her.

Outside the chamber of drained Chosen, Kieran doesn’t stop Poppy from seeing it. He understands that she needs to grasp the gravity of the situation—until some of the bodies start to twitch. He urges her out, and she doesn’t stop him. When he tells her they’ll turn, she acknowledges it, but he can see the sorrow in her. Emil leaves them to take care of it.

They finally receive word that some chambers full of white-robed figures were found, and know it’s the Priests and Priestesses. Priest Framont tells Poppy it’s time for her to fulfill her purpose, and Kieran orders their people to guard the Temple tunnels immediately.

When Vonetta joins them with a Priestess, Kieran is shocked to discover that she’s an Ascended. But not as surprised as he is when they enter a room filled with stalactites created from blood, and a floor littered with bones.

When Poppy goes to kill the Priestess, Kieran stops her, telling her that it’s not worth the depletion of her energy and power. Ultimately, they find seventy-one bodies from the last two Rites in the room, and countless other remains from previous Rites.

It breaks my heart to think of so many children being slaughtered. And for what? The god complexes of a group of people who never would have come into existence if not for the greed and selfishness of a single moment in time? It’s nearly unfathomable.

Kieran retrieves Poppy to help heal Perry after he takes an arrow to the shoulder in Massene, and Reaver informs him of Poppy’s dizzy spell.

Concerned, he suggests that she sit out the healing and let it happen naturally, and then asks her if she needs to feed. When she insists that she’s fine and they go to Perry, it’s to find Delano reading my journal that he took from Poppy’s cabin on the ship—much to Kieran’s amusement. Again, I say everyone should read it. Delano may even discover some new ways to please his partner, given the things I reveal in there about some of my most sensual and incredible threesomes and foursomes. But I digress…

Curled up with Poppy in his wolven form as he has taken to doing of late, Kieran wakes to Poppy’s silent screams through the notam and unconsciously shifts to comfort her. He wraps her in his arms, and when she asks him to promise to kill her if she becomes a monster because she knows that Cas will never be able to do it, it both angers and saddens him. He tells her she doesn’t give herself enough credit and would never let things get that far. Eventually, however, he agrees to her demands.

When Poppy has an idea about possibly using Primal magic to help locate Cas, they talk to Perry about what his father may have divulged. One of the items needed for the spell is a cherished possession of the one they wish to find. Kieran immediately thinks of Poppy but then quickly adds that he doesn’t consider her a thing. He knows that distinction is important to her, just as it is with Cas, and he feels bad for even saying it like he did.

When Poppy reveals the carved horse she’s been carrying around, it brings back memories, as Malik made one for Kieran, too.

When Gianna and Tawny approach Poppy at the encampment later, Tawny tells them about her dream of Vikter and what she learned about the

viktors. When she gets to the bit about the Arae and Mount Lotho, Kieran reveals that it’s been written that Lotho is in Iliseeum. As Tawny reveals more, Kieran wonders why Vikter didn’t tell anyone about his role or motivations, but then learns that viktors can’t. While protecting their charges, they cannot reveal their reasons.

As Tawny reveals the longer prophecy, Kieran assumes the once-

promised King mentioned is Malik. They discuss more about what each of the lines could mean. Tawny reveals that Vikter had one other thing he wanted her to pass along, but she was to tell only Poppy. Kieran doesn’t like it and makes his unease known but ultimately lets the women speak.

Pseudo plan made, Kieran, Reaver, and Poppy head out for the capital.

After Poppy dream walks with Cas again, she discusses what he told her with Kieran and Reaver. They talk about demis—amidst the usual bickering between Reaver and Kieran—and try to unravel what the legend about the demis means and how it could work in their favor if Isbeth is, indeed, a demis.

Later that night, after a Craven attack and Kieran discovering that Poppy needs to feed, discussions lead to them talking about Cas and whether his captors would allow him to feed. Kieran reveals that they let him the last time they held him and comments that it’s been forty days at most since he last fed. When he finally goes to feed her, cutting his wrist with a two-inch slice, he orders her to drink and not sip and tells her not to feel ashamed. When she drinks, he lets some spicy memories slip to tease her, utterly embarrassing Poppy yet taking her mind off the act. Poppy heals his cut when she’s finished, and Kieran is amused that she won’t acknowledge what he revealed—that he knows she watched him and Lyra at the wolven wedding, and that he watched her and Cas in return.

On their journey later, they discuss the differences in class and things between Atlantia and Solis and then talk about Lasania. He wonders where he’s heard the name before. They then talk about the differences between the mortal realm now versus when Reaver was last in it, and the draken tells them that the Consort was born there as the true heir and Princess. Kieran is shocked to learn that the Consort was partly mortal.

They come upon over two dozen soldiers and talk about how they might be able to make it past them. Kieran decides to use mud to disguise his and Poppy’s faces, and a story about how they were on their way to the Willow

Plains and ran across some Craven. Things don’t go as planned, and they’re soon overcome by both Royal Guards and Revenants and captured.

When Poppy tries to negotiate and says they can have her if they let Kieran and Reaver go, he refuses to be separated from her. The Revenant reveals that they’re not prisoners, and it takes Kieran by surprise, only to be cut short by Poppy succumbing to a shadowstone wound. He barely catches her before she falls unconscious.

Two days later, Poppy finally wakes, and he reveals that he tried to give her blood while she was out. He also informs her that Reaver is in the chamber below them and that the golden fuck as he calls Callum, tried to separate him from her. Once she’s more coherent, Poppy reveals they are in her old rooms at Wayfair. He tells her they’ve brought Reaver to him whenever he demanded it, that the draken is actually behaving himself, and that they’ve been taken care of but never left without guards. He mentions that the Royal Knights are everywhere, but they’re the only Ascended he’s seen so far. Only Millie—the Revenant Handmaiden—and Callum have interacted with him and Reaver.

He brings Poppy up to speed by telling her that their armies should be at New Haven or even Whitebridge by now—approximately three to four days out—and that if they don’t return to Three Rivers as planned, Valyn will come looking for them. He also inquires as to how far away Poppy can communicate telepathically with Delano. She thinks if she can access the Rise, she might be able to reach him. Since he was stripped of his weapons when they arrived, Poppy offers Kieran her dagger, but he refuses.

Millie escorts Kieran and Poppy to the Great Hall, flanked by four Handmaidens and six Royal Knights. Isbeth enters the hall on a litter, which utterly disgusts Kieran. But what really takes him aback is when he sees Malik with her.

Seeing and sensing Poppy’s reaction to everything the Queen babbles on about, Kieran warns her not to do anything rash and tells her to remain calm no matter what happens. The Blood Queen has a frail young woman brought in for the Royal Blessing, and it horrifies Kieran. He knows what the spectacle really means. They use Atlantian blood to make it appear as if the Blood Crown has the gods’ blessing and that their touch can heal. But he knows it’s not a cure at all. It’s only a reprieve from whatever ails the one being blessed.

When the Blood Queen approaches, Kieran refuses to bow to her but stiffens as Malik accompanies Isbeth. He tries to bait him by calling him Prince, and the Queen stymies him by telling him that he looks as scrumptious as the last time she saw him.

I agree with dear Isbeth, but she did not mean it the way I would if speaking with our handsome wolven.

Callum arrives to take Poppy to Cas as requested, but they won’t let Kieran go with her. As they lead her away, Kieran tells her that he’ll be listening for her, insinuating that he will be in wolven form so he can hear her via the notam. Later, she lets him know that both she and Cas are okay. However, he isn’t so sure about Cas. He can’t imagine how he could be all right. Not long after, Poppy reaches out again and tells him they need to get Cas out immediately, relaying that he’s underground and somewhere near the Temple before suggesting they go through the mines.

During their escape, Kieran runs into Poppy on the third-floor landing of the turret’s spiral staircase and asks if she conjured the mist. They intuit that the screams they hear are Reaver’s doing, and Kieran tells her they’ll discuss the mist more later—it’s not the time now as they have less than a minute before they end up getting locked inside.

Reaver joins them, covered in blood, and Kieran leads them both out onto the breezeway after a fight with some knights and guards. He warns Poppy to conserve her energy and tells her that Cas will need her to be strong. As they watch Reaver dispatch some knights, he asks Poppy to remind him to stop antagonizing the draken.

As the mist keeps everyone busy, they make a plan to enter the tunnels. When they get to the Temple’s cella and the candles roar to life, Reaver tells them it’s because of Poppy and the blood she carries within her. Kieran turns and tells her she’s “so very special.”

Malik comes up behind them, and Kieran is immediately ready to fight the Prince, even commenting that he’s only a little conflicted about handling the inconvenience Malik poses. Kieran laughs when Malik insinuates that he’s taking a huge risk and then tells them to trust him. The Prince then goes on to say that what he’s done has all been for Millicent because she is his heartmate. It stuns Kieran. His distrust of Malik is as strong as his reluctant need to believe that his one-time friend hasn’t entirely forsaken his family and kingdom for the Blood Crown. He goes

through a significant internal struggle, toggling between anger, hope, disappointment, and uncertainty.

When he finally asks Malik why he didn’t get Cas out, Malik says that he refuses to leave Millie. Finally reaching Cas, Kieran tries to stop Poppy from rushing into the cell and is devastated at seeing Cas almost Craven- like in his bloodlust. He remarks that Casteel is too far gone and doesn’t like Malik’s suggestion for getting him out to give him time to come back to himself. Eventually, he tells Poppy they must knock Cas out to safely remove him from the cell, and then hope he stays unconscious.

Kieran distracts Cas while Malik knocks him out and then tells Poppy they need to bind him for everyone’s safety. He soothes her when she cries over the thought. After he’s secured, he offers to carry Casteel, but Malik refuses. Instead, Kieran just covers Cas and the chains with his cloak.

Malik takes them to some of his friends, Descenters Blaz and Clariza, and they learn that Malik befriended them while posing as Elian—his middle name and the moniker of his ancestor. Working together as a unit, Poppy and Kieran deal with bringing Cas out of his bloodlust and feeding him. When Casteel is more himself, Kieran leaves the couple alone and goes to talk with Malik.

Once they’re all settled and rested a bit, Cas comes to chat with Kieran and assures him the Blood Crown only took blood this time. Kieran reminds Casteel that he has him and Poppy, always and forever, and then assures Cas that he’ll feed Poppy as soon as she wakes.

They discuss needing to leave by nightfall and talk about Reaver and Malik. Kieran relays that Malik can secure a ship and have them smuggled out, but remarks that he trusts few with Poppy’s safety—and Malik definitely isn’t one of them… Still, he hasn’t left or betrayed them yet, and Kieran acknowledges that he’s risking a lot to help them.

Discussions turn to Millie and how she is only leverage if Isbeth knows that she and Malik are heartmates. Cas reveals everything he learned about Millie being Poppy’s sister and tells Kieran that she’s like a Revenant, yet… not. They talk about the prophecy, and Kieran wonders how Millie was a failure. He assumes that Isbeth turned her into a Revenant to save her after she didn’t survive her Culling.

When Kieran asks if Millie was Isbeth’s first attempt to create something to remake the realms and Poppy was the second, Cas agrees, and Kieran says there’s no way Poppy would ever help Isbeth. Casteel goes on

to tell him that Millie said that only Cas can stop Poppy, and only by killing her. At the thought, Kieran suggests they have Reaver torch the Revenant.

They talk about Poppy some more and realize that once she completes her Culling, she’ll be a Primal. They then conclude that she did, indeed, create the mist.

Kieran follows Cas to wake Poppy and tells her she needs to feed.

Casteel bites Kieran’s wrist, and he jerks a bit when she closes her mouth around him. Still, he shows her inappropriate memories and gets way too much satisfaction out of it.

Kieran is definitely a man after my heart. If I had the power to transfer memories and visions, nobody would ever be thinking of war.

Later, he hugs Cas, and Poppy asks him if he believes that Millie is her sister. He tells her that he didn’t at first, but he does now. When Reaver seems surprised by the news, Kieran can’t pass up the opportunity to rib him a little. As they discuss how things went so wrong with Millie’s Culling, Kieran asks why they didn’t use Ires’s blood, and Malik explains that the cage nullifies his eather.

Malik mentions Preela in conversation, and Kieran tells Poppy that she was Malik’s bonded wolven. As Malik continues the story, Kieran is outraged when he realizes Malik was the Dark One from Poppy’s memories and planned to kill Poppy as a child. Cas attacks Malik, and Kieran lets it play out. He refuses to step between them and thinks Malik deserves whatever hell Cas rains down upon him. When Poppy uses her power to separate the brothers, Kieran catches Cas before he falls.

The Queen arrives with her guards and Callum, and the group readies themselves to fight until they realize they can’t. Callum tells Kieran he’s always wanted a pet wolf, and Kieran tells him to fuck off. Later, in the melee, Callum cuts Kieran with a shadowstone blade and whispers a spell. Reddish black smoke billows from and then soaks into the wound. Shadows ripple over Kieran’s body and throw Malik back before Cas stabs Callum in the heart.

The Queen gives them an ultimatum: return with Malec or Kieran dies. After they depart, Malik goes to follow the Queen, and Cas tells him not to. In order to keep him with them, Kieran knocks him out and tries to reassure Poppy that he’ll be fine, saying she shouldn’t worry about the curse Callum put on him.

Kieran stays mostly in wolven form on their journey to Padonia but does his best to reassure Poppy and the others when he can. He also does his damndest to protect Poppy, and that includes saving her from herself at times.

Later, when Cas comes to him, Kieran tells him that he doesn’t want them to feel obligated to do the Joining just to save him from the curse, and Cas reminds him that they’re not just brothers or friends, they’re part of a greater whole.

I adore their connection so much. And it only got better when things ramped up and Poppy entered the mix.

They meet up with the others, and Kieran watches Malik carefully as Delano approaches. He’s unsure how things will play out as Preela, Malik’s bonded wolven, was Delano’s sister. Later, discussing their plan and strategy, Kieran realizes that the Blood Forest is where it is because Malec is entombed there.

Once things settle down, Kieran goes to talk to Poppy about the Joining.

He first jokes that no one would turn down joining with a King and a Primal. When she goes to reassure him, he tells her not to make it weird but is unable to stop his feelings from showing. He tells her that he’s not doing it because of their titles or lineage but because he loves them both. When Poppy asks him what kind of love, he tells her it’s the kind that allowed him to promise he’d kill her if needed.

After a journey fraught with hurdles, Kieran waits for Poppy and Cas in the Wisteria Woods and jokes that he thought they’d fallen asleep. When Poppy asks about the other wolven surrounding them, he tells her that it’s a great honor for them to oversee such a tradition. Before they begin the Joining, he reminds Poppy that he and Cas expect nothing of her but he is unable to control his body’s natural responses. Moving behind Poppy, he apologizes and says that he’s trying to behave but it’s hard because she’s beautiful.

It was such a beautiful, pure moment, it almost brought tears to my eyes. But him controlling his behavior wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Talk about manhoods worth journaling about…

During the exchange, Kieran tries to keep it light by teasing Poppy as he always does. Afterward, they cuddle together, and he notices that the mark on his arm is gone, though none of them are sure if the curse went with it.

Things after the Joining change, but all for the better. They share a bond

that cannot be broken. Kieran also feels his attraction for Poppy growing, but he knows it’s different than what Cas feels for her, and is tied up with what he feels for Cas, as well.

Once they reach the Bone Temple, Kieran remarks that the armies have never come this far west before. After Cas teases him about thinking about having sex with Poppy in her armor just like he is, they give Poppy the same pep talk they did in Evaemon.

Once they deliver Malec to Isbeth, Callum uses a milky-white blade to lift the curse from Kieran’s arm, and then Kieran stabs him in the heart with bloodstone. Millie tells him to cut off his head next time if he wants him to stay down longer. After Poppy heals Kieran’s cut, he assures her that he’s fine and turns his attention to Isbeth, shocked when she plunges her dagger into her heartmate’s chest.

Poppy screams at Kieran and Cas to get the dagger out of Malec, but chaos ensues. Many are killed, and Cas and Kieran take down the Revenant who killed Emil. In the midst of everything, he can’t help but be awed at the changes Poppy undergoes, but the awe soon turns to something else as the shockwave she lets loose almost takes him and everyone else out. Luckily, Cas shields him.

Once everything dies down, he coaxes Poppy back to consciousness and confirms that she has fangs, telling her that Cas will have to help her through that bit since it’s not something in his wheelhouse.

He comforts her when she sees that all their friends are once again alive and whole, and he and Cas tell her that she brought everyone back to life.

Nektas is quick to correct them, saying that it was actually the Consort working through Poppy that did it. As more is said, Kieran inquires what Nyktos is, if he’s not the Primal of Life and Death. And wonders aloud why he would honor the Consort remaining unknown.

Despite what’s ahead of them, finding and dealing with Callum is at the top of Kieran’s priority list. But they have much more important things to worry about. Kolis is free, and who knows what that means for the realms…

I shudder to think what might come for all of us next.

In the tunnels below Wayfair, Kieran and Cas worry about Poppy. She’s cold and doesn’t feel right to them. He and Cas are super overprotective of her—something she doesn’t need in the slightest—and Nektas calls them adorable. Kieran says he doesn’t think he’s ever been called that.

I would call him that all day if he wanted.

They find Ires and help him become himself again, finding out that Jadis is likely being kept in the Willow Plains.

When Poppy passes out and goes into stasis, he and Cas take her to a spare room, and he goes in search of some clothes. He spends most of his time with them and Delano in the chambers, watching her and waiting for her to wake up.

As Cas tells stories to Poppy, talking to her as Nektas said to do, Kieran listens in and interjects in a few places, telling Cas that what happened to him wasn’t his fault, asking if he’s going to tell Poppy the full story about Shea, and reinforcing their bond.

He’s out of the room when the Revenant attacks Casteel and comes in to find his bonded Atlantian not as he left him but as a spotted cave cat. He talks to him, tells him to remember, and can suddenly hear him in his mind. He stops him from eating Emil, sends the Atlantian on his way, and then helps Cas shift back.

They gather the bone daggers and talk about those for a bit, until the walls and floor start to crack, a symbol appears, and Poppy opens her silver eyes.

The Primal of Blood and Bone and Life and Death.


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